Ask a Baby Blogger: Lactose Intolerance, Reflux and Breastfeeding

Question: I was wondering about this. my neighbor said she couldn’t BF because he was lactose intolerant, which lead to horrible reflux. would that much be possible? This comment was left on my other post about breastfeeding and whether or not a baby can truly be allergic to breast milk. I am sad to say that more often than not, I hear of bad advice and misunderstanding surrounding breastfeeding problems than sound, well researched advice. It is possible that a baby can be lactose intolerant and therefore unable to breastfeed but highly improbable. True (Primary) Lactose Intolerance What is referred … Continue reading

Someone Like Me

When our son and his cousin get together something magical happens. His cousin is less than one year older and while a lot of things happen developmentally at that age they really aren’t that far apart. What brings them even closer together now is that my son has recently started walking. His improvement every day is exponential and mystifying. Perhaps it is simply that he devotes 100% of his time and effort on walking that gives him superhuman skill-learning abilities. Whatever it is that makes him progress so quickly I know that his cousin is one aspect of that motivation … Continue reading