The Baby Blog Week in Review for October 28 – November 3rd

Good morning and welcome to our first weekend in November. There are just 19 days left until Thanksgiving and it’s a beautiful crisp morning here. We got off to a bit of a slow start this week as Halloween took place on Tuesday and we’re recovering from one holiday as we get ready to ramp up towards another. Valorie and I would love to hear what you are thankful about with your baby this Thanksgiving season, so feel free to send us your stories so we can share them! Here is our baby blog week in review: Saturday, October 28 … Continue reading

Teaching your Child to Stay in Bed

Being a single parent probably means that you arrive home after a day of work only to find the kids need supper, baths, homework needs to be done, the house needs to be picked up, and the list goes on. Therefore, once you get the children in bed, you want them to stay there. However, many children will go to bed but then find getting up is more fun. I think every parent has dealt with this issue. You get through dinner, bath time, stories have been read, songs have been sung, and a sip of water has been provided. … Continue reading

Your Baby’s Body Clock

A few years ago, I wrote an article about adjusting your baby’s body clock. This is an important trick to learn if you travel to different time zones or if you, like millions of others, live in a place where your clock is going to be turning back an hour or forward an hour twice a year. This past weekend, we rolled our clocks back by an hour, but it’s hardly that simple on our bodies. Transitioning Time The time change is actually hard on most people, but it is particularly difficult for our children and infants. It can take … Continue reading

How Long Should Bedtime Routine Take?

Judging from comments and questions, bedtime and sleep habits are one of the biggest issues that parents face. We all want to know how to get our babies to sleep through the night, how to keep toddlers from getting up in the night, and how to create a smooth and pleasant bedtime routine. One of the questions that come up is how long a typical bedtime routine should take? If you are starting your bedtime routine right after dinner and still trying to get your child to bed two hours later—it might not be working… I do think that it … Continue reading

What to Do with Night Owls—Part One

Earlier today, I wrote about some suggestions for adjusting to a child who likes to get up early in the morning—just a few ideas for ways to keep the child safe and entertained when he or she insists upon getting up before the rest of the household. Some of those same ideas can work for those night owls too—but often mom and/or dad are still up and trying to have a “grown-up” evening or night while the child is bouncing off the walls too. Entertaining a night owl, or trying to get him or her to settle down for the … Continue reading

What to Do with Early Risers?

Parents of those early risers often spend a great deal of time trying to maneuver and manipulate their child’s sleep schedule to force them to sleep late. After a while, many of us give up and learn to accept and adjust to the various sleep schedules in our homes. Instead of trying to change those early morning preschoolers, it might be a better idea to figure out what to do with them to keep them safe and get the morning off to a good start… I just want to clarify that I am not talking so much about babies here. … Continue reading

My Baby Won’t Sleep Through the Night

Is your baby having trouble sleeping through the night? I know lots of moms who struggle with just this problem and I hear a lot of conflicting stories and tales about what to do and what not to do and how to help your baby make this adjustment. There’s a joke told around my family that for my husband, my daughter slept through the night, but I knew better – she woke up once a night for many months – I think she finally broke that habit around the age of 14 or 15 months. So, your baby won’t sleep … Continue reading

“I Feel Like I’m Falling Apart.” 8 Ways to Cope with Overwhelming Stress

Anyone who has parented a special needs child understands it’s an all-consuming responsibility. As parents (and especially mothers) we have a tendency to pour our whole heart and soul into the special care of our son or daughter. Our instinct to nurture takes over, and we expect to be the “rescuer” who will make everything all better. We run ourselves ragged. We worry; we agonize. We don’t eat right and get enough sleep. And this eventually causes stress to overwhelm our bodies. Stress Took Over My Life In a previous blog I wrote about my own personal battle with stress … Continue reading