Massage for Infants

A friend of mine has been teaching infant massage classes in Cape Fear, North Carolina. Massage is beneficial at just about any age, but can have some special benefits for an infant. The benefits of infant massage include: A stronger bond between parent and child. Ideally, you want to find fifteen minutes every day to massage your baby. But if you can only find time once a week, you’ll both still benefit from the time together. Longer, deeper sleep for the baby (which means more restful nights for the parents, too). Relieve discomfort from gas, colic, and constipation. Massage can … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: April 15 to April 22

Sunday, April 15 The World’s Largest Baby Massage–This was about an event held last weekend in Dallas. Palmer’s baby massage butter hosted the event attempting to set the world record for getting the most parents to massage their babies at the same time. Monday, April 16 5 Red Flags That May Signal a Motor Development Problem–Do you know the difference between when your child is delayed but normal and when there’s a problem with his motor development? This article spells it all out for you! Tuesday, April 17 5 More Red Flags to Watch For in Your Toddler–A continuation of … Continue reading