Setting Limits with Toddlers

Setting consistent limits and boundaries are not only good for the peace of your family, but they are also good for your toddler. Setting limits tells your toddler what behavior you expect from him, as well as the consequences of misbehavior. When developing limits for your toddler, you first have to understand of what behavior your toddler is capable. Expecting a two-year-old to throw out his paper cup when his drink is done is perfectly reasonable. Expecting him to sit still for a piano recital is not. Different toddlers grow and develop at different rates, so keep that in mind … Continue reading

How to Keep Toddlers from Fighting

When there are two toddlers fighting over a toy, things can get a bit dicey. You want to make sure that your child isn’t the aggressor, while at the same time ensuring that your child isn’t getting abused by the other child. The secret to sorting it out is to determine aggressiveness versus assertiveness. With aggression, the toddler is infringing on someone else’s territory. The other child may have been happily playing with the toy when your child comes out of nowhere, sees that it looks interesting and attempts to snatch it away for himself. With assertiveness, your child may … Continue reading

Dealing with a Screaming Toddler

Sometimes it seems that there is nothing worse than a screaming toddler, unless it is a screaming toddler in public. Here are some tips on how to deal with this situation in a loving manner and regain control of the situation. The first piece of advice that I have is that if you are out in public when your toddler starts screaming, is to ignore everyone else around you. You will get many many looks, especially if you are in a crowded store or restaurant. Forget the stares, the sympathetic smiles and even the comments of outrage. Parents of young … Continue reading

When Another Child Hits

Playdates can be a fun activity for both babies and their parents. Introducing your child to his peers is a great way to jump start the socialization process. Plus, having other adults to talk to during the day can help keep parents connected. But one issue that eventually seems to come up for every parent who play dates is what to do if another child hits, bites or otherwise abuses your child. How do you balance the protective instinct with the aversion to discipline another parent’s child? So what do you do if your little guys friend starts hitting? The … Continue reading

Why Your Toddler Hits

Whether your toddler regularly hits you or other children, the behavior can be quiet disconcerting. You may feel as though other parents see your child as a problem child. But the reality is that hitting is not an unusual behavior for many toddlers. And sometimes the usual discipline methods, such as time outs may not seem to work. When a toddler hits, it is important to be consistent about the behavior not being acceptable. At the same time, it can be helpful when you understand some of the motivation behind the hitting behavior. He may be curious about other people … Continue reading

Don’t Get Frustrated–Take A New Look at Your Child’s Behavior

Sometimes developmentally delayed children will exhibit behaviors which are hard to understand. That’s because the behavior is occurring at an age when we typically wouldn’t see it happening in ordinary kids. For example, if a two-year-old hits another child, as a parent we might say “Let’s not hit,” but we don’t become tremendously concerned. A two-year-old hitting another toddler is normal behavior. But if an eight-year-old hits his peer, it’s more troubling. Most eight-year-olds have learned that hitting someone else is wrong. It’s important to remember that in the special needs child, inappropriate behaviors may have a purpose. The child … Continue reading

Play Group Mama Drama

As a new mom, you may be looking forward to joining an organized group of other moms. After all, who else will listen to you discuss the consistency of your baby’s poop or be willing to give you support when you are having problems with breast feeding. But new mom beware. Play groups and mom groups can come with a lot of mama drama, from back biting to cliques. When you join a group, be clear to yourself why you are there. Is it to provide some socialization for your child? Is it to get out of the house? Is … Continue reading

Children Lead the Way to Marriage Strife

If you’re just married and you’re planning a wonderful life together, here are few tips about what to expect when you have your first child together. The birth of a child is a wondrous thing and it will have a profound effect on you and your spouse. But the stresses and changes that occur due to the birth of a child can often lead to the first major blow up in the marriage. Why? So why does the birth of a child (this fantastic, wondrous event) because so much stress on a couple? In large part, it’s because Mom now … Continue reading

How To Prevent Mouth Injuries

Mouth (and tooth) injuries are all too common. The majority of all dental injuries — around eighty percent — involve the front teeth and soft tissues, like the tongue, lips, and the insides of the cheeks. For adults and older adolescents, sports are the usual cause of dental injury. In young children, tooth and mouth injuries often come when learning to walk. Though you can’t protect your children at all times, vigilance when your toddler is taking her first steps can help. Even bigger kids can learn to play safe and protect their mouths. Here are some tips for preventing … Continue reading

Week of October 9th in Review

I have had a crazy week this week. I celebrated my 10-year anniversary and my husband’s birthday. I had what seemed like a million other things to do. As a result I didn’t get many blogs written this week. But I did want to take a few minutes to review what has been written for my own benefit and for yours. Monday Myra shared this tidbit. Good News For Older Women Who Are Trying To Conceive: Acupuncture May Boost Fertility. Parenting With Love and Logic is a great book that helps parents recognize their parenting style and then teaches them … Continue reading