The Baby Blog in Review: September 16 to September 29

It’s that time of the week again when I review what’s happening in the baby blog. If you have reading to catch up on, go grab a cup of coffee and have a seat! Sept 16 Why Use a Baby Hammock? A baby hammock is a great way to help ease your little one back to sleep because instead of producing a motorized motion, a hammock sways and bounces with the babies own movements. Therefore, when the baby stirs, the hammock responds and gently lulls baby back to sleep. Sept 17 How to Dress Your Baby for Cold Weather Stop … Continue reading

Why Use a Baby Hammock?

For our first baby we had a crib. We got a crib (actually one was purchased for us) because that’s what every one else had. That’s what we were supposed to get. So there we were, exhausted but politically correct in the baby sleeping department. That is until we couldn’t take the sleep deprivation and wisened up to the benefits of co-sleeping. We’ve never gone back to having a crib or bassinet or anything of the like. Even the twins co-slept with us until they got to big. There is after all a space limit to how many people can … Continue reading

Taking Time To Connect

When you are the parent of an infant and a toddler, you may sometimes feel like your toddler does not get enough one on one time with you. For that matter, you may also wonder whether your infant notices that he does not get much one on one time with you and how he might feel about that. I know that I have struggled with these feelings since Blake was born a couple of months ago. Over the past couple of weeks, I have developed a strategy for spending some “alone” time with each of the boys while I am … Continue reading

Don’t You Just Love Little “Love Him”?

Whenever I hear a story like this one I always think of the episode of Friends where Pheobe discovers that the laws in the United States allow for one to legally change one’s name to virtually anything. So Phoebe decides that she is going to rename herself Princess Consuela Bananahammock. Because hey–why not? Apparently a whole host of my generation has seen Friends and identifies with the self confident Pheobe who has no reservations about going through life seriously, as Princess Consuela Bananahammock. Oh but wait. . .Phoebe is a fictional character, but I think that someone forgot to tell … Continue reading