Living with Dogs Might Improve Baby Health

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a real reason to keep our dogs around our babies? Some people are terrified of the idea, thinking that it’s dangerous to let dogs around small children. At first it’s best never to leave dogs alone with babies, to make sure the animals know to be gentle around them. However, we pet owners know that some dogs are great with babies. There have already been some studies about how being around dogs in the first year of infancy can help reduce the chances of a child later developing allergies to dogs, but what about … Continue reading

Napping and Memory

I’m a big fan of naps. Back in my radio days, I often kept a weird schedule — up at four in the morning and at work by five-thirty. I’d be done for the day around two in the afternoon… and would often take an afternoon nap to recharge. Even now that I’m keeping a more normal schedule, I often find myself wanting a nap around two in the afternoon. I enjoy curling up with the dogs and taking an afternoon snooze. I don’t necessarily need to do it, but it’s good to relax a bit and wake up with … Continue reading

Can we Make Our Children be More Rational?

I admit that I have been accused of being overly rational; of course, I also know that I can be as moody and irrational as the next person, but overall rationality tends to be my guide. As a parent, however, I have learned that there is little sense in my clinging to rationality or expecting my children to be rational. I used to think that if I just exposed them to a more rational way of looking at things they would see things my way. Instead, I learned to enter the land of irrationality more often… I think that we … Continue reading

The Baby Week in Review, October 15-21

Sunday, October 15 In Your Baby’s First Hours of Life Valorie discussed what will happen to your little one while you are recovering from the labor and delivery. In Baby, Baby – Look at Me, too! We talked about the fact that being a parent is one of the hardest jobs you’re ever going to do. In Sour Milk? Valorie discussed that breast milk can go sour too. In Why is My Toddler Afraid of Dogs?, we looked at the reasons why toddlers may be afraid of dogs and other pets and how you help them overcome the fear, but … Continue reading

The Tightrope of Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety paid us a visit on Friday as my five year-old daughter suddenly wrapped her arms around my leg and cried when it was time for our hug and kiss goodbye at the door to her kindergarten classroom. I’d been rather expecting it, you see because in my experience her bouts with separation anxiety appear after the initial excitement evaporates. Clinging Independence It’s amazing that as your baby grows, he or she will become more and more independent – yet that independence also seems to come arm and arm with a companion bout of clinging. The clinging neediness is … Continue reading