Why I Hate Pull-Ups

When potty training, many parents transition from diapers straight to pull-ups (or easy-ups, no matter the brand of disposable training pants. I’m brand neutral.) believing that this is a natural way to start potty training. Well I hate the things. Here is why, in no particular order. 1. Pull-Ups are expensive Have you ever done the unit cost of a pull-up? Depending on the brand, you may be spending 50 or more per each piece. Ones with characters, wet feelings or magic pictures may cost even more. By the time that you are done potty training, you can spend a … Continue reading

Potty Training Using Pull Ups

Yesterday I wrote an article about how pull ups have played a role in our potty training. I actually hate pull ups. I still do and I would really encourage anyone not to buy them but rather let the babe run free and naked. It does mean more messes to clean up but it also means faster (and cheaper) potty training. However, as you all should know by now, I have twins and the nakedness thing sometimes doesn’t work when you’re wiping up two puddles (or other things. . .) all the time. I also have become acutely aware that … Continue reading

Be Present and Connect With Your Child

I live a busy life. As a single mother with a full time job, I don’t always have the time to do what I would like to do. One of the things that is most important to me is connecting with my daughter. I want to be present for Hailey’s life, I want to be involved, I want her to know that, not only do I care about her, but that I’m interested in her as a person. The challenge is always, how to find the time to really connect with my child. Time is precious but so is a … Continue reading

Gardening is Great for Kids With Special Needs

There are many things about gardening that can be beneficial to children who have special needs. Parents don’t necessarily need to have a “green thumb” in order to set up a small garden for their child. Working in a garden can help kids become calm, and to develop useful skills. Gardening is a peaceful activity, which is why so many people enjoy doing it. There can be a tremendous amount of work involved with gardening, especially if the garden is a large one. The work may be hard, but it has a purpose, which tends to make people happier about … Continue reading

Potty Training Already?

This week we went out and bought a potty seat. We tried it out for an hour the first day, which was Friday. Today we weren’t home, so we did not sit on the potty. Tomorrow we’ll be gone again, so we probably won’t sit on the potty. Monday, however, we will be home and that is when I’ll really start teaching him about the potty. I’m not really trying to get him potty trained in a week. He’s only eighteen months old. He has shown some interest, however, and that is why I’m beginning to show him how it … Continue reading

Too Much Lipase

My daughter rarely takes a bottle. My fulltime job is staying home and taking care of her, so there isn’t any need for her to get nourishment from any place other than me. Every once in awhile, however, I get curious about how she’d handle taking breast milk from a bottle. For about a month, I was pumping and storing milk in case of an emergency. I figured if something happened to me and I’d be unable to breastfeed her, it would be nice for her to have a little comfort from breast milk while she was slowly weaned off … Continue reading

Are Your Pets on YouTube?

When Wayne bought me my new digital camera last Christmas, I knew it spelled trouble for Murphy, Mr. Meow and Tabby. Because not only could I take pictures without having to hassle with film anymore (which freed me to snap, snap, snap as many pics as I wanted), I could also take video. An Amateur Pet Film Maker Is Born I had such high hopes that I could capture Mr. Meow doing his maestro show on the air vent or the cats chasing each other, but so far no luck. I quickly found out what a tricky business capturing pets … Continue reading

Jackson Browne Sues John McCain

It often seems that musicians and politicians have a love/hate relationship. I already blogged about campaign songs certain politicians have chosen which might have not been the best choices had they thought the song all the way through. John McCain seems to be making bad campaign song choices left and right this year. Not just in lyrics, but just in general. He used John Melloncamp’s song “Pink Houses” earlier this year. On the surface, the song sounds okay, but if you dig deeper, it talks about dreams that are never fulfilled. In addition, Melloncamp himself contacted the McCain camp and … Continue reading

Putting Anger Aside in a Hurtful Situation

I love the way when I’m writing about a topic, God provides an opportunity for me to put into practice what I am writing about. This week I found myself hurt and upset about a decision made by someone else, which affected me. When I told my husband what had happened and how I was feeling, about this incident involving another person in the community, he listened to me and then he played devil’s advocate.‘Suppose it wasn’t quite like you’re thinking. Maybe it was just a lack of communication between you and the other person,’ he said. He pointed out … Continue reading

Book Review: The Mulberry Bird

The classic adoption book The Mulberry Bird, by Anne Braff Brodzinsky, seems to be one of those books that people either love or hate. I suspect that it all depends on the timing, which in turn depends on your child. Most people say their child loved it and seemed to find it reassuring. A couple of parents are sure it caused more trouble than it averted. I shared this ambivalence. I checked this book out of the library a couple of years ago and returned it without sharing it with my kids. This time, I put it on the shelf … Continue reading