Are You A Freelance Writer? Have You Tried Blogging?

Whether you are new to freelance writing or you are looking to expand your skill set, I would like to recommend that you give blogging a try. You may be wondering whether there is a place for your unique voice in a group blog or collection of blogs. I know that I was asking myself that very question when I started out. The answer to that question does, of course, depend upon the individual and also upon what blogs are looking for writers and what kind of writers they are looking for. Nonetheless, I would like to encourage you to … Continue reading

Thankful for my Divorce?

My divorce was hands down the most difficult thing I have ever gone through in my life. While things ran rather smoothly, I thought my life was over. At the time I just knew nothing good could ever come of it! But I was wrong. In light of Thanksgiving I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking of the things I am so thankful for and believe it or not my divorce is at the top of the list this year. Now I realize this may sound a little crazy to most of you. Why in the world would anyone … Continue reading

Make Thanksgiving a Teachable Moment

Who says Thanksgiving is just a day set aside to expand your waistline? If you are a parent, consider using the holiday to broaden your kids’ minds. In many cases children are taught the history of Thanksgiving in class. They get generic lessons about the Mayflower, Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims and Indians, but far less time is spent schooling youngsters about the true meaning of the day—-gratitude. Whereas the first Thanksgiving took place in 1621, when Governor Bradford of the Plymouth colony appointed a day for public praise and prayer after the first harvest, the first national observance didn’t come until … Continue reading

The Mormon Mom Blog Squad

There really could be a squad for all the Mormon Mommy Bloggers out there. Actually, it would be more like an army, not a squadron. But, that’s beside the point. I recently wrote an article titled, Mormon Mommy Blogs, that talks about the obsession with these blogs. I have to admit, I’m part of that obsession. Sometimes, I find myself looking at these blogs and my head is spinning. After all, I’m a MM Blogger too. I don’t have advertising, and sponsors, and loads of followers. I secretly might want all of that though. I don’t know, maybe I don’t. … Continue reading

What Does the Average American Think About the Average Mormon?

In the January issue of the Liahona, there was a great article by Elder Dallin H. Oaks that you can share with your non-mormon friends. It is titled, “Fundamental to Our Faith“. He begins the article by showing some startling statistics about what Americans think of Mormons as published in the recent book, How Americans View Mormonism, by Gary C. Lawrence. He says, “Three-quarters of those surveyed associated our Church with high moral standards, but about half thought we were secretive and mysterious and had “weird beliefs.” Did you know that only 14 percent could say that our main claim … Continue reading

I’m a Cyber Monday Mom

When it comes to Christmas shopping for my children I am a little different than probably most moms. First of all, in general I do not enjoy shopping. I am not a “mall mom,” one of those types that trek to the mall every-other-week. In fact, I probably get to the mall about once a year. In fact, I so dislike shopping that several years ago when my husband and I took a trip to Mexico he did the entire bargain shopping and finagling with the sellers. I just tried to hurry him along. So needless to say I do … Continue reading

Family Stories About Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time for being thankful for all the wonderful things in your life. Many people spend the week of Thanksgiving visiting with members of their family. Genealogists can spend this holiday hearing about, and recording, the family stories that are shared over dinner. Does your family have stories about Thanksgiving? It seems like every family has some Thanksgiving traditions that they do each and every year. Maybe everyone meets for Thanksgiving dinner at grandma’s house. Your family might spend Thanksgiving day itself at the home of your parent’s, and the day before, or day after, visiting with your … Continue reading

The Ongoing Saga of the Christmas Hamper

Since my daughter is beginning to realize that she’s not the center of the universe, although she’s an important part of it, I thought that this Christmas would be a good one to talk about being thankful and helping others. As a family, we volunteer with an organization that helps provide fresh fruit and vegetables for those in need. We also support a foster child and do a Christmas hamper for a family every year. My daughter has never participated completely in the Christmas hamper. Last year she was aware that we were doing it, but she wasn’t particularly interested. … Continue reading

Bad Mommies Let Their Kids Sleep in the Car

A new study slams parents who let sleeping babies lie… in their infant car seats. According to researchers parents who allow their passed out kids to remain strapped in their car seats while they rush to unload the groceries from the trunk, grab the mail from the end of the driveway, or pick stale Cheerios from in between their vehicle’s upholstery, are putting their child’s life in danger. Oh wait. That’s me. Apparently, good mommies are the ones, who risk waking up their overtired tots by removing them from their infant seats, and placing them in their cribs to sleep. … Continue reading

Why It’s Wrong To Be Left Like a Dog for Dead

Have you seen the video footage of the hit and run that happened in Hartford, Connecticut? A 78-year-old man was crossing the street, got hit by a car, spirals in an awful display of flying legs and arms to the ground, and the car speeds away. That’s bad enough. But other cars kept going past. People walked by. Some stopped and looked but no one rushed to his aid. It’s not until a police cruiser that’s just happening to go by on his way to another call stopped that the man got help. I saw the story as I ate … Continue reading