Daddy Radio

One of the fortunate byproducts of our child being breech was our introduction to a number of techniques designed to help the baby turn which have now entered our daily routine. One that has particularly stuck with me is something I lovingly refer to as “Daddy Radio.” The technique is designed to lure the baby’s head towards the sound of daddy’s speaking voice low on the uterus. This turned into regularly scheduled broadcasts of “Daddy Radio.” Seeing this event must be quite funny as it involves my wife standing upright while I lean over and speak directly to the underside … Continue reading

Why Dad is Important in Weaning

You’ve made the decision to wean your baby. But weaning isn’t always easy to do. Dad can play a very important part in the process and help make the transition away from mother’s milk smooth and easy for both baby and mom. Here is how dad can help. Successful weaning can depend on two strategical techniques. One is distraction away from the breast and the other is substitution of other forms of emotional nourishment. Breast feeding provides both nutrition and emotional comfort. You need to address how you will handle both when you wean. Here is where dad can really … Continue reading