Stubborn or Strong-Willed?

I have written before about how all three of my children are pretty strong-willed and opinionated. Recently, while talking with another parent, he kept referring to his child as willfully stubborn; I realized that depending on how you view it, that tenacity can either be spun in a positive or a negative way… I think it helps to consider a child’s motivation and try to keep an eye on the big picture. A child who is strong-willed and able to stick up for himself, may have a leg-up in life as he gets older. It might be challenging for a … Continue reading

More Characteristics of Strong Willed Toddlers

This blog is part of a series on how to deal with the terrible twos when your child is strong willed. I tend to look at being strong willed like any other personality trait–as a gift. Strong willed toddlers will grow up to be leaders and in this their potential lies. However, getting through the terrible twos with a strong willed little one is not easy. My other ‘strong willed’ toddler articles are linked below if you have some catching up to do! With that said, here are a few more characteristics of strong willed toddlers: Very Needy It’s sounds … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: July 31

We had an excellent and busy week here in the baby blog. In fact, it was so busy that I had to divide the ‘week in review’ into two pieces. We kicked off world breastfeeding week and actually, I had so many suggestions for topics that we’re going to spill into next week with breastfeeding topics. We also had some special guest blogs which are always appreciated. With that said, here’s your ’catch up’ list for the week: July 31 RSV, Bronchiolitis and the Summer Months A special thanks to Miriam Caldwell, who guest blogged this past week in the … Continue reading

Characteristics of Strong Willed Toddlers

Every parent that I’ve ever met who is going through the terrible twos with their child thinks that their child is strong willed. I hate to break it to all those moms that think they have their hands full, but being stubborn when you don’t get your way at the age of two is NOT an automatic sign of a strong willed child. Being stubborn when you don’t get your way is normal at the age of two. Throwing a temper tantrum is normal at that age as well. Continuing to do so past the ‘terrible two’ stage is not … Continue reading

Why Being Strong Willed is a Gift (The Rest of the Meghan Story)

It is not easy as parents, to be at our wits end with a toddler who is being unreasonable. I mentioned in my first article that I used to think bratty toddlers were a reflection of their parents. After having one of my own very strong willed toddlers, I see things a little differently. Today my challenge is for we parents to learn to embrace those tantrums as part of our child’s unique temperament. They don’t need to be ’fixed’ as much as they need to be nurtured towards using their abilities appropriately. Meghan, as a toddler used to love … Continue reading