Attachment Parenting: My View

Dr. Sears said that attachment parenting is natural. He went on to say that if a parent were on a desert island and had no parenting knowledge then attachment parenting would be the road that parent would naturally head down. I completely agree. Let me start off by saying that I did not practice attachment parenting to the letter. I will say that if I had a baby again, I would implement more attachment parenting into my parenting style. My expertise with attachment parenting extends to breastfeeding up to 15 months, co-sleeping here and there, using a sling, feeding on … Continue reading

Wrestling A Baby To Sleep

Last night, I certainly felt like I was in a wrestling match. Since we are currently co-sleeping (and not entirely by our choice, but more so our baby’s) it is always a little tricky with three people in the bed. But, this morning, I woke up feeling like I had literally been wrestling all night. That is not a good feeling! My five-month-old is as precious as it gets. He smiles all day long, even when sick, and has a great temperament these days, unlike those early ones. But, the nights are long. They are a battle. They are tough … Continue reading

Your Baby Wants You!

There is always a recurring theme in my blogging it seems. I am a Mom. And, I often feel inadequate. Today has been one of those days. I woke up super grouchy due to my baby waking me at 4:15 am, the toddler waking me at 5:45 am, and my “big girl” waking me up at 6:45 am. Needless to say, I was not happy with anyone. I managed to get my girl out the door to Kindergarten and gave her a big hug before she left and told her I loved her. I hope she remembers that instead of … Continue reading

Reading to Baby

I know how important it is to read to a child every day. I went to college to be a teacher. The importance of reading out loud to children on a regular basis was drilled into my head. I know that it improves a child’s vocabulary, helps them speak and write correctly, and teaches them the mechanics of reading and writing (reading/writing left to right, top to bottom, etc.), to name a few. The benefits are countless. And yet, I don’t read to my 8-month-old very often. I always thought I would, but it hasn’t turned out that way. Some … Continue reading

Doctor’s Appointments: More Traumatic for Baby or Mom?

My husband and I were advised by a G.I. Specialist to have our daughter’s blood drawn due to some issues she was having with blood in her stool. They wanted to test it to make sure she didn’t have any blood clotting disorders. After giving it some thought for a couple weeks, not wanting to inflict pain on our baby if it wasn’t necessary, we decided we’d take his advice and take her to the “local” Children’s Hospital (a 30-minute drive, but definitely worth the extra time on the road). The morning of the blood draw, I woke up feeling … Continue reading

Who Should Hold My Crying Baby?

I’m struggling with a seemingly never-ending dilemma of how long to let my baby cry when others are holding her. I want her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and others to be able to spend time with her. I realize that by holding her, they are able to bond with her and get to know her. However, I also don’t want this to happen at the expense of my daughter feeling secure and safe. Yes, she loves them, but there is no substitute for the kind of comfort and security a mother can provide. I’ve come up with a few ways to … Continue reading

Myth: Crying Will Hurt Your Baby Emotionally/Crying is Good for Her Lungs

It is extremely hard for a mother to ignore her baby’s cries. Personally, I cannot let my son cry for an extended period if I know he is hungry. I have to drop what I’m doing and nurse him. In other situations, I know it can wait. For example, if he is tired, he will usually fall asleep on his own in a couple minutes if I leave him alone. In those situations, picking him up seems to make him cry harder! Some people worry that a baby will be damaged emotionally if she cries too much. This is simply … Continue reading

What Do You Do When Your Baby is Choking?

Several years ago I took a health class that included certifications in CPR for adults, children and infants. There were also lessons in how to relieve a choke on an adult, a child or an infant. At the time, I thought it was interesting information, but never really thought – oh I’ll need to know this later and yet, oddly enough not three months after I took the class and received my certifications – I did need that information. I was working as a waitress in a restaurant and I typically worked the early morning shift on the weekends because … Continue reading

Hold the Phone! Research States That Parents Should Pick Up Their Baby When It Cries

You’ll have to excuse my somewhat sarcastic tone as I write this, but when this headline appeared in my news feeds this morning I found myself staring at it in disbelief. After all, who would pay for this kind of study? As it turns out, the Queensland University of Technology did the research and it was part of a joint study with the Early Parenting Centre. Researchers found that many new parents were uncertain and concerned that if they picked up their child every time it cried, they would end up spoiling their baby. This fear is understandable; especially if … Continue reading

Why is Whooping Cough Back?

Whopping Cough, a disease that had been pretty much eradicated from the United States is back, and it is at epidemic proportions in some areas of the country. Those of us who are older than 30 and have seen Whopping Cough virtually disappear are very confused by its return. Why do we need to worry about Whopping cough now? It is a scary illness, especially for the young. At least 18,000 cases have been reported so far for 2012. According to news reports, bioethicists have an idea. They are blaming it on the refusal of some parents to vaccinate their … Continue reading