Do You Love Your Pediatrician?

In the last year, I had to switch pediatricians because of moving. I really liked my last pediatrician and was sad about having to make a change. I asked him for a recommendation, and he knew of a pediatrician that “a lot of people seem to like” that was super close to my house. So, I decided to go to him. Little did I know that my baby would have so many complexing issues. I’m kind of a stressed out mama a lot of the time, so his personality fit perfectly with me in that he is very laid back, … Continue reading

What is Your Five Month Old Up To?

Today my little guy turned 5 months old. I can hardly believe it! If you had asked me two months ago if I was ever going to make it to 5 months, I probably would have said no! It seemed forever away, and now it has already come and gone. That’s the joy of motherhood. My 5 month old is so precious. This past week, he got really sick and we were worried about him. He wasn’t worried, though. He just smiled and smiled and smiled through it all. Despite all my posts about him being a very fussy baby, … Continue reading

Keeping Baby Busy

Since I have a fussier than normal baby, it is also more difficult to keep him happy when he is not in my arms. We have a myriad of contraptions that he is starting to grow into like the bouncy chair, saucer, and swing. We also have a playmat on the floor that has toys that hang over his head. Yesterday, he managed to bounce himself in the bouncer for a good 15 minutes. I was thrilled! It gave me time to fold some laundry. My older kids are big helpers too. I frequently ask them to “go play with … Continue reading

Your Baby Wants You!

There is always a recurring theme in my blogging it seems. I am a Mom. And, I often feel inadequate. Today has been one of those days. I woke up super grouchy due to my baby waking me at 4:15 am, the toddler waking me at 5:45 am, and my “big girl” waking me up at 6:45 am. Needless to say, I was not happy with anyone. I managed to get my girl out the door to Kindergarten and gave her a big hug before she left and told her I loved her. I hope she remembers that instead of … Continue reading

What is YOUR 4 Month Old Up To?

I love every stage in my baby’s life. There are precious moments in each one, but I am particularly loving my sweet little four month old right now. No, he is not sleeping through the night yet, and no, his tummy troubles have not been fixed, but he sure is sweet, and I am loving watching him grow and develop. It seems that for me, when my kids hit 4 months old, I start to really enjoy all the sweetness that comes with being a Mom. My little guy is smiling at me all the time. One lady said, “Oh, … Continue reading

Myth: Crying Will Hurt Your Baby Emotionally/Crying is Good for Her Lungs

It is extremely hard for a mother to ignore her baby’s cries. Personally, I cannot let my son cry for an extended period if I know he is hungry. I have to drop what I’m doing and nurse him. In other situations, I know it can wait. For example, if he is tired, he will usually fall asleep on his own in a couple minutes if I leave him alone. In those situations, picking him up seems to make him cry harder! Some people worry that a baby will be damaged emotionally if she cries too much. This is simply … Continue reading

The Pacifier Wars

Over the years, there has been a tug of war between proponents of the pacifier versus those who are against the pacifier have swung the pendulum back and forth. When my daughter was born, pacifiers were recommended against (especially if you were breastfeeding) and now once again the pendulum is swinging back to be in favor of the pacifier including as an aid to help reduce the changes of SIDS. Pro Pacifier On the pro pacifier side of the fence, there are the medical studies that suggest the babies sucking reflex helps to prevent SIDS. The pacifier is a great … Continue reading