Cute Handmade Mother’s Day Gifts (Inexpensive, Too!)

Handmade gifts, especially when they mark milestones in your child’s life can be lovely. You’ll find yourself years from now looking at them and remembering back to earlier times. I have a small collection of these gifts, and they always make me smile. For example, there is the wax cast of my first-born’s hand when he was only two. We were at a festival, and the vendor didn’t want to cast anyone under the age of four because children that age tend not to hold still. We insisted and said we would take it, no matter how it came out. … Continue reading

When Your Baby Has Food Allergies

Recently, I decided to get my baby tested for food allergies. With the history that my two boys have had, I just wanted to make sure that there were no lingering issues as we moved forward with food trialing. I had been suspicious that eggs were causing a problem with my little one when I was breastfeeding. It was one of the foods I had cut out of my diet when he was having all of his tummy issues. But, none of my children have ever been diagnosed with your typical IgE food allergies. IgE stands for Immunoglobulin E which is … Continue reading

What I Wish I Had Known As A First Time Mom

Do you see that picture? That sure is a cute baby. Okay, so I am totally biased because I’m his mom, but that picture reminds me of something that I did not really pay any attention to before I had a baby. I am not sure what I was expecting to see when I welcomed my first newborn three years ago, but I probably thought that he would look something like the baby in the picture. I was wrong. Newborns don’t look like babies. They look like newborns, and when your newborn baby is placed in your arms, you will … Continue reading

Solid Progress

Today my baby ate a quarter of an avocado. I was thrilled. Mainly because he needs some fattening up, but also because, I love avocados. And, they are super easy to travel with, too. I eat one pretty much every day, so it is also an easy food for me to share with him. With my second child, avocados were our go-to food. He had lots of tummy issues, and I worked hard at trying to find foods he could tolerate. At first, he HATED the avocado. But, I would try to give him a tiny amount every day, and … Continue reading

10 Mistakes I Made As a First-Time Mom-Part II

The truth is, I don’t like thinking I made any mistakes at all because I feel like I did the best I could and my first-born is beautiful, smart, and kind. So, I guess I did some things right too. But, a few days ago, I shared the first four in this series. Go here to see that article. What other “mistakes” did I learn from? Here’s a few more to share: 5. Don’t confide in people that you don’t want advice from. I have to say that I am still working on this one too. But, I’m getting so … Continue reading

When Baby Sleeps Through the Night for the First Time

All of my kids have been so different when it comes to sleep. My first sucked her thumb, and therefore started sleeping through the night around 4 months old. My second didn’t sleep through the night until about 18 months old due to his tummy issues. Last night, my little man slept for 9 hours straight. This was the first time this had happened. I was thrilled and jumping for joy! (Actually, I was sleeping). Am I hoping that this trend continues? Absolutely. Am I counting on it? No. I’ve written before about sleeping through the night and how I … Continue reading

When To Start Solids-Part II

A couple of days ago, I discussed a little about starting solids with my babies. You can find that article here. When you have issues with food allergies like my children have had, it is important to stick with introducing one food at a time. This will help you determine if there are any issues with the foods you are introducing. Otherwise, with infant led feeding, the idea is that you go slow, and let your child eat what you are eating so that they slowly learn what real food is all about. In our family, we have decided to … Continue reading

Would You Share Your Breastmilk?

I have finally found peace with the fact that I’m no longer breastfeeding, but at the same time, I have moments where I still feel sad. I’m sure that is perfectly normal. Today at the park, I saw a mom breastfeeding, and couldn’t help but long for that a little. This weekend, we went to a family event, and I saw another mom with a baby just a week older than my own who was nursing. I couldn’t help but look at her and have mixed emotions. On one hand, I was grateful to not feel self conscience about nursing … Continue reading

What To Do If Your Toddler Acts Like A Baby

Did you know that toddlers sometimes regress and act like babies even if there is not an actual baby around the house? Whether the regression in your toddler’s behavior is due to the arrival of a sibling, a major change like a move, starting preschool or day care, a divorce, or even just simply feeling overwhelmed by being a big boy or a big girl it is perfectly normal. It is also okay for you to play along and baby your toddler by letting him or her drink water from a bottle, snuggle on your lap, have extra hugs and … Continue reading

Dealing with a Bully in Kindergarten

I can hardly believe that I have to deal with a bully as early as kindergarten. My daughter comes home and tells me her “best friend” is mean to her just about every single day. Actually, no, not true. I just think the girl is being mean every day, she thinks she is mean only some days. Why do I think she is mean every day? Because the girl shows obvious signs of an abuser. One day, this bully will tell my daughter that her work is not good. For example, she will say, “What is wrong with your coloring? … Continue reading