Banning Chocolate Milk Doesn’t Improve Nutrition

Parents who had children in several schools in Oregon noticed what they viewed as a problem. The kids were much more likely to drink chocolate milk than they were to drink white milk. The parents believed that banning the chocolate milk would force the kids to start drinking more white milk. Instead, things did not work out as planned. It is safe to say that the parents in the school district’s PTA meant well. They were hoping to make changes that would provide better nutrition for the students. They believed that removing the chocolate milk, and only offering white milk, … Continue reading

Getting Your Kids to Listen to You

I’ve been a little frustrated with my son lately. It seems like I have to ask him ten times to do anything, and even then he still won’t do it. He’s unbelievably stubborn; and too smart for his own good. That whole reverse psychology thing doesn’t work with him anymore. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve lost my cool with him before when he won’t do what he’s told, much less acknowledge that he’s even been asked to do anything. He’s a pro at ignoring. After our nightly shower battle, I finally decided to do a little research … Continue reading

Are You Shopping at the Right Grocery Store? Four Steps to Save 20 Percent or More

Choosing the right grocery store can save you 20 percent or more on groceries before using coupons. If you were buying a big ticket item, such as a television or a new washer and dryer, you would do some research and shop around, right? Since food tends to be the biggest general family expense after housing, it just makes sense to do your research before you step foot in your grocery store. Just spending $225 a week on your groceries, adds up to almost $12,000 a year!Imagine shaving close to $2,400 off of that total food bill, doing nothing other … Continue reading

Home Based Businesses Can Be As Unique As You Are

This weekend, I was able to see first – hand a variety of products and services that are made and offered by home – based professionals. I took a trip to Maine to attend the Common Ground Fair, which is an event that focuses on sustainability and environmental awareness. There were many things to do and see, and as I went along I realized that many of the people selling food and other items at the fair are home – based professionals. There were many food vendors, and some of the vendors whose delicious dishes I tasted were home – … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Drink Too Much Juice?

I have yet to meet a toddler who does not like juice. Juice tastes sweet and it is refreshing when one is thirsty from playing hard. Toddlers often ask for juice, and many parents are happy to provide it. After all it’s juice, and juice comes from fruit, right? It turns out that juice is not as great of a beverage option for your toddler as many of us thought. Many drinks that are labeled as juice contain added sugar and artificial coloring, and those are not good things for toddlers to be consuming. While a cup of diluted, 100 … Continue reading

Do You Dare to Compare?

Have you seen this tooth-achingly sweet note a 10-year-old boy penned to his hard working mom and attached to an even sweeter homemade gift? The photo has gone crazy viral since the boy’s sibling innocently posted it on Reddit. The youngster’s touching note reads: “Dear Mom, This is for you, I understand how hard you work, and I know you love strawberry milk, so I made this for you. :)” Sniff. Sniff. Right? I mean, c’mon moms, admit it; that tear in your eye, the tingle in your gut, your melted heart-—pure jealously. Okay, maybe, not 100% pure, but pretty … Continue reading

Would You Share Your Breastmilk?

I have finally found peace with the fact that I’m no longer breastfeeding, but at the same time, I have moments where I still feel sad. I’m sure that is perfectly normal. Today at the park, I saw a mom breastfeeding, and couldn’t help but long for that a little. This weekend, we went to a family event, and I saw another mom with a baby just a week older than my own who was nursing. I couldn’t help but look at her and have mixed emotions. On one hand, I was grateful to not feel self conscience about nursing … Continue reading

What Foods Are Really Good For You

As a mom I try to make sure my daughter eats healthy foods. When I was married I cooked a big dinner every night, I’m not a great cook but no one died. When I got divorced those marathon cooking sessions after working all day went right out the window, but I still tried to make sure they were healthy foods in the house. Now, I think I may have been doing it all wrong. I just read an article that said beer makes you a better problem solver, whiskey boosts good cholesterol and pork fat is good for you. … Continue reading

Could Too Much Milk Cause Colic-Like Symptoms In Your Baby?-Part II

While I’m no expert on this subject of overactive letdown and oversupply of milk, I’m excited to share this information with other Moms! I’m still trying to figure this all out myself, because my hope is that my baby who is suffering from the same symptoms I spoke about in Part I of this article, is actually having a problem with my supply, and NOT a problem with the foods I eat. However, in my case, I am currently cutting out dairy, soy, chocolate, corn, eggs, and nuts. I also have a prescription for an acid reflux medication if dietary … Continue reading

Could Too Much Milk Cause Colic-Like Symptoms In Your Baby?-Part I

Although I am now breastfeeding my third child, I am just now looking into oversupply, and overactive letdown as reasons for why my baby is so fussy. I have always known that I had no problem producing enough milk for my babies. My first two kids were nice, chubby babies, and I have never been able to relate to women that don’t have enough. Although, I am fully aware that this is a real problem for many Moms. But, did you know that too much milk can also be a serious problem too? I didn’t, until recently, and honestly, it … Continue reading