Remedies for Colic

I have to admit this is a blog researched and written out of sheer curiosity. I have never had a truly “colicky” baby. I have had one baby who was what I would consider high need, but once our nursing issues resolved, things did get better. Furthermore, by my definition colic is crying for several hours at a stretch. My baby was just fussy if I wasn’t holding her. It was exhausting, but it was not colic. I was in a baby store recently scouring the clearance racks. (Is there another way to dress twins?) I was amazed as I … Continue reading

When It Is a Struggle To Breastfeed

Many women have difficulties when trying to breastfeed. I’ve never really put myself in that class of women because I’ve always had an ample supply, and my babies have always latched on easily. This baby is no different. However, I found myself wanting to give up breastfeeding last week. I was in a lonely place. I was severely sleep deprived due to 3 nights of pretty much no sleep as I trialed eggs in my diet to see if my little guy could tolerate them. He can’t. I realized, that I also have a struggle with breastfeeding, but it is … Continue reading

Is Your Baby’s Cry Serious? How to Tell

There is an instinctual heart-wrenching for most parents when a baby cries, especially when the baby belongs to you. While colic is a real issues, it is the sudden bouts of crying for seemingly no reason that concerns most parents, especially if the baby is generally not prone to crying jags. Here are some ways to tell if the crying is serious and requires medical attention. Of course, if you are ever in doubt, seek medical attention right away. Doctors would rather be bothered when something isn’t serious than have care put off for a serious issue. The Baby Book … Continue reading

New Baby for the Single Mom

After waiting nine long months, you have finally delivered a beautiful baby. If you are a normal mom, especially a single mom, concerns begin to creep in – will I be a good mom, will my baby sleep okay, what if I need help…and so on. Being a new parent is a little unnerving but you can be sure that the natural instincts will kick in. Remember, the first month after having a baby is a little rough for any mom and it will get better. During this time, your baby will go through a number of phases and experience … Continue reading