Words that have been Turned into Baby Names

What will you name your baby? That question is one that most parents take very seriously. Much consideration goes into choosing a name for a newborn. It is understandable that parents want their child to have a unique name. Perhaps this is why many parents in 2014 selected a random word as the name for their babies. Nameberry took a close look at the names parents gave to their babies in 2014. They put together a list of baby names that are words. In short, parents chose a commonly used word, that has a specific meaning, as the name for … Continue reading

Top Ten Baby Names of 2013

Parents who are trying to select a name for their baby might want to visit the Social Security website. Every year, they gather data from Social Security card applications and use it to determine the most popular baby names of that year. This might help you to pick a popular name for your child. Or, it could inspire you to come up with something more unique than the names that are on the list. How does the Social Security Administration go about discovering the most popular names for 2013? They looked at 100% of their records on Social Security card … Continue reading

Cthulhu AllSpark is not a Good Baby Name

How did you decide upon the perfect name for you son or daughter? Many parents choose names that have been handed down in their families from one generation to the next. Others pick names that are popular in the year the baby was born. One couple decided to break with tradition and ask “the internet” to select a name for their baby girl. Poor thing almost got named Cthulhu All-Spark! How did this very unique name get suggested? It didn’t come from either of her parents! Stephen McLaughlin, a software developer, decided to ask the Reddit community to suggest some … Continue reading

Most Unusual Baby Names of 2012

It has become unsurprising when celebrities choose to give their babies an odd sounding name. What isn’t so expected is when people who are not famous choose to give their babies a name that is unique (and bordering on bizarre). BabyCenter.com has a list of the most unusual baby names of 2012. Genealogists who have been working on their family trees quickly notice that some names have been in the family for generations. It is also common for parents to choose a name for their baby that was inspired by popular culture. Some parents intentionally choose to give their daughters … Continue reading

Baby Name Lists: Helpful or Annoying?

Jacob, Mason, William, Sophia, Isabella, Emma… ring a bell? Are any of those your children’s names? If so, then consider yourself cool. And by cool, I mean uninspired. Okay, perhaps, that’s a bit harsh, but that’s how I see it. I’m the type to roll my eyes when popular baby name lists flood my email inbox. I am equally underwhelmed when I observe parents going gaga when they see their kid’s moniker featured on the Top 10. Whereas I realize that naming a newborn is among the most critical decisions in any parent’s life, I’m not convinced that moms and … Continue reading

BabyCenter has List of Unusual Baby Names for 2011

Parents spend a lot of time deciding on the best name to give their baby. It could be a family name, that has been handed down for generations. Sometimes, parents desire to give their child a name that is unique. Those names might have been inspired by popular culture. Genealogists spend a lot of time looking for the names of relatives and ancestors. In some families, there could be a first name that is especially popular. In my family, for example, there are a lot of relatives who are named James. What name appears the most on your family tree? … Continue reading

A Day For Celebrating Unique Names

This week is Celebrate Your Name Week, and each day is dedicated to a specific, special, way to celebrate your name, and the names of others. Today, Tuesday, March 8, 2011, is the day entirely dedicated to names that are unique. Does someone in your family have an unusual first name? Yesterday, was Fun Facts Monday, a day when it is perfectly acceptable to google yourself, and find out if there is anyone else with an online presence that shares your name. Yesterday, I used a website called “How Many Of Me”. I learned that there are one hundred and … Continue reading

Unpopular Baby Names

Countless articles and books promote the most popular baby names in the world. Even if you aren’t pregnant or have a baby at home, you probably know that the names “Ava” and “Aiden” are much cooler than “Lizzeth” and “Zwin.” Still, it seems parents these days are constantly on the lookout for the next unusual name that will go mainstream. That’s where Pamela Redmond Satran’s book, “Beyond Ava and Aiden” comes in. The author recently scoured name statistics and found the 100 most unpopular baby names. Well, technically, Redmond Satran categorizes the baby names as “cool” and “uncommon,” but what … Continue reading

Naming Your Baby: Is Popularity a Bad Thing?

Did you know Jacob has been the number one boy’s name in the US since 1999? Ironically this is one of the names my husband and I have chosen as a possibility if we have another boy. Now I’m not so sure. Considering how popular the name is, he may have a hard time in school when the teachers do roll call. Emily was the number one girls name every year from 1996 to 2007. Guess which girls name ranked number one from 1909 to 1946? The answer is at the end of this blog. On the other end of … Continue reading

Unpopular Boys Names May Lead to Criminal Activity

Two researchers in my own home state of Pennsylvania have found that there is more to a baby name than you might think. The two researchers, David E. Kalist and Daniel Y. Lee conducted a study at Shippensburg University that took a look at common and uncommon boys names and found a link between uncommon names and breaking the law. First, they compiled a list of names of boys that they called juvenile delinquents as well as boys in the standard population. They then ranked these names based on popularity. So a name such as Michael, for example, would have … Continue reading