How Much Crying Can You Handle?

All parents are not created equal when it comes to our crying capacity—whether it is the woeful wails of a new baby, or the screams of a frustrated toddler, or even the moody crying of an adolescent—some of us can tolerate it far better than others. How much crying can you handle? And has your ability to tolerate crying from your child actually increased or decreased over the years? I can handle a fair amount of crying from my children—although it has diminished quite a bit now that they are older. What I have noticed, however, is that my ability … Continue reading

Impulse Control Disorder

Shortly after the boys moved in, the words “dysfunction” and “disorder” became commonplace in our everyday language. There were a multitude of them, some diagnosed, others lying in wait to be discovered in the boys’ everyday behavior. We were aware of Randy’s ADHD, FAE, and learning disabilities. We soon learned Daniel had real and critical problems with Attachment Disorder and hoarding issues. However, it took us awhile to realize there was a serious issue with Randy; he had been diagnosed with Impulse Control Disorder, but we weren’t aware of it until we experienced his behavioral symptoms. Our first inclination of … Continue reading

Are You Getting Mixed Signals from your Baby?

My baby smiles, my baby won’t stop crying, my baby throws everything on the floor. What does it all mean? The truth is, our babies are not born speaking our languages and we’re not completely conversant with theirs. We know what we think they are communicating and sometimes, we are quite correct. Every interaction with our baby, whether it is primal or coming from a higher language function – we are communicating and they are communicating with us. My Baby Smiles Sometime between 6 and 12 weeks your infant will begin to develop social smiles and will respond to the … Continue reading

The Reasons Babies Cry

The simple fact is that babies cry. All babies cry. Crying is how your baby communicates with you. In the first year of their life, you need to recognize and accept the fact that your baby cries and is going to cry. From the moment they are born, they cry. A healthy baby takes in their first breath of air and as it is expelled, they are screaming. So the upside of crying is that a healthy baby does this at birth. Other Signals Your baby may communicate in other signals along with their crying. They may clench their fists. … Continue reading