Creating a Nursery that Will Grow with Your Baby

When I compare a photo of my son’s room before he was born with what I see before my eyes today, I am surprised at how much it has changed. There are several things we had to change as he got older. We did not anticipate how much storage we would need once we started accumulating toys and clothes, nor did we anticipate his ability to get into the storage we did have and make a huge mess. Next time we build a nursery, we’ll be able to take what we learned from adapting our son’s room and apply it … Continue reading

The Big Girl Bed

I love sleep. I would sleep in late and take multiple naps throughout the day, if I had my way. However, I don’t enjoy that luxury. I’m the mother of a toddler. When my daughter was a baby, we could put her in her crib at any time and she’d flop over on her tummy, clutch her blanket, and put her two middle fingers in her mouth. I’d turn on her CD player with lullabies or stories and make her Twilight Turtle shine its stars on the ceiling. She would fall asleep with no problems. We were so fortunate. My … Continue reading

Great Toys for Toddlers

Toddlers can be a difficult bunch to shop for when it comes to toys. Some of them still put a lot of things into their mouths, they are very mobile, they are past the baby stage, but still not ready for complicated toys, their attention spans can be short, and they have a tendency to fall down. Keeping all of these things in mind, here are some great toys for toddlers. Wagons and wheels Toys that have wheels are pretty good at keeping up with a toddler. Things they can push, things they can ride and things that zoom across … Continue reading