To Fur or Not to Fur – Kanye West

The other day, I blogged about Olympian Johnny Weir, his love of fur, and PETA’s outcry against it. But, Johnny is not the only one in trouble with PETA for fur. Earlier this year, PETA announced its yearly Worst Dressed Celebrities list. Now this list has less to do with fashion and more to do with use of real fur in clothing. Topping the list was Madonna. She was quickly followed by the Olsen Twins, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Kanye West. Rounding out the list was Elizabeth Hurley. While I am sure Johnny will make next year’s list, the only male … Continue reading

Twins in the Classroom

Both my sister and cousin are parents to twins. Valorie, our baby and food blogger, also is a mom to twins. I can imagine many unique situations that can arise with parenting twins. One that both my sister and cousin encountered was school. My nieces were together in kindergarten, separated in first grade, and will be separated for second grade. The separation was my sister’s choice. Many parents choose to keep their twins together. As a teacher, I can see pros and cons to each side. Regardless of your decision, you need to keep open and honest communication with the … Continue reading

How Twins Form Their Own Identity

If you’re looking for a scientific explanation for how twins form their own identities, I don’t have one for you. This is only my own thoughts as my twins grow up and become more and more distinctive every day. This blog was prompted by the comment of a very sweet but elderly lady who noted that the girls were dressed too much alike. “Sure they look cute. But they’ll never form their own identities that way,” she admonished. Their Own Identity I used to assert with authority that I wanted my twins to form their own identities. It sounds good. … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: Feb. 3 through Feb. 9

Sorry that this is a little late. Poor Heather has been under the weather. Did you miss something last week? We’ve covered everything from products you don’t want in the same house with a baby to hot topics like breastfeeding in public and religious opposition to standard medical procedure. If you missed something, check it out now! Sunday, Feb. 3 Should Medical Exemptions be Justified By Religious Beliefs? We tackled the story of a couple who did not want their daughter’s blood drawn within the state mandated period of 48 hours after birth. There is no easy answer here, but … Continue reading

Twins: To Dress Alike or Not

One of the first decisions I made when I found out I was pregnant with twins was that I was never going to dress my girls alike. It was important to me for them to establish their own identities, and I believed dressing them differently would help to begin the process. Than came the baby shower. Every gift I received contained two matching items from blankets and sleepers to hats and dresses. They were all adorable. I caved a little. I thought that I could use the outfits on the babies on separate days, but then thought it would be … Continue reading

A Shopping Guide for Twins (or more) Part 4: Bathing, Changing, & Clothing

Here it is: the last of the baby gear for multiples blog. I hope I have helped you think through your purchases or registry items. As we’ve been discussing, there are lots of things to keep in mind when shopping for multiples aside from the fact that there are two of them! Bathing Anything that the babies will both use like towels, or wash clothes you’ll want to make sure that you have extras. Don’t buy two baby bathtubs. I thought this would go without saying until one day I heard one mom say that she was buying two bathtubs … Continue reading

More Behind the Spelling Home Sale

I thought maybe the 56,500 square foot home was just too much for Candy Spelling, but apparently there is a little more behind her decision to put The Manor up for sale. Candy told PEOPLE magazine that she would have never put The Manor up for sale if she thought she would ever reconcile with daughter Tori and her family. She said, “If I had any hope that I would have a relationship with my grandchildren I would never sell this house.” Candy, who will be moving to a $47 million dollar condo with the same square footage as her … Continue reading

Matching Outfits Are Sooooo Over Rated

I know there are many parents out there that feel strongly that their kids are to match when they go out. They are to have matching shoes, hair pieces if appropriate. . .I even know one girl who frequently has matching jewelry. (And yes, this is still the baby blog–the girl is only 3!) Maybe I have just birthed particularly strong willed girls or maybe I’m just a slob. But I could care less if my kids match. Okay–if we’re taking pictures or attending something important–I care. But on a day to day basis, to go to the park, meet … Continue reading

Which One is the Aggressive One?

Or insert any other adjective instead of aggressive. Which one is the shy, mean, nice, one? As a mother of twins I hate this question. It necessarily confines me to label one or the other. Equally annoying however, is the tendency to assume that if one is one way, the other must be the opposite. For example, the girls were recently watched and someone asked which one was the aggressive one? That would be Emily. Hands down–Emily is aggressive. She likes to play physically and is most happy being tossed through the air or wrestled to the ground. She instigates … Continue reading