Why I Wouldn’t Wish Twins on Anyone

Don’t get me wrong. . .I love my twins. I am definitely one of those people who considers it a double blessing to have twins. In fact, it kind of rubs me the wrong way when I hear someone say, “Uh oh, double trouble.” So it’s not that I’m saying that it’s horrible to have twins. However, it seems to me that there’s this trend towards wanting them. They are the coolest accessory around. I’m constantly running in to people that gush over my good fortune. As reproductive technology advances and becomes more feasible, I hear more and more people … Continue reading

How Twins Form Their Own Identity

If you’re looking for a scientific explanation for how twins form their own identities, I don’t have one for you. This is only my own thoughts as my twins grow up and become more and more distinctive every day. This blog was prompted by the comment of a very sweet but elderly lady who noted that the girls were dressed too much alike. “Sure they look cute. But they’ll never form their own identities that way,” she admonished. Their Own Identity I used to assert with authority that I wanted my twins to form their own identities. It sounds good. … Continue reading

To Separate or Not to Separate: Twins in the Classroom

When twins get to be school aged, many parents face the dilemma of what to do with their twins. While some schools have rigid policies regarding separating twins (or not separating them) other schools have a more relaxed approach. What’s interesting to me is that despite a lack of solid evidence for either side, proponents of both sides are equally adamant in their positions. Separating Twins People who fall on this side almost always tend to be administration and teachers, although there are parents who feel their twins would be best served by being separated. Many teachers feel that keeping … Continue reading

Help!!! My Twins Are Walking

Those of you who have followed my blogs likely know a few things about me: I homeschool, I am an ardent advocate for breastfeeding, and I have twinfants. Twins are, as I’ve said before, exponentially harder than having one at a time. And in our house, it has just gotten even harder. We have jumped the gap between twinfanthood and now we’re into twoddlerhood! It all started when our cute, cuddly, didn’t-roll-anywhere babies started to get the idea that they could see better if they rolled over. This was fine. . .until they figured out that they could roll off. … Continue reading

Traffic Jam: Taking the twins Out

As if it is not hard enough to get out of the house with more than one baby in tow, (not to mention their three older siblings) when you have multiples it is especially difficult to make any progress towards your goal. We didn’t know this. We were prepared for sleep deprivation–which we had. We were prepared for preemies–which we did not have. We, however, never prepared for the traffic jam that a set of twins causes when you are out in public! For some reason, everyone loves twins. I’m not really sure why, but twins have a way of … Continue reading

Do You Judge Other Moms?

We’ve all done it. We’re out in public and someone else’s wild child is pitching a fit. He wants a candy bar, mom says no and he tantrums. So she gives him the candy bar or buys him the toy. We may not say anything but in my mind I’m always thinking, “See, she shouldn’t give in and that’s why he’s throwing a fit. He knows it works.” While I personally wouldn’t vocalize my opinions about someone else’s kids’ behavior, many are all to willing to give their opinions–especially the older set. This happened to me recently which is why … Continue reading

Have Mercy on the Twin Moms!!!

If you’ve ever done this or are guilty of doing it I will state up front that I forgive you. While I realize not all MOMs (mothers of multiples) are like me, I belong to a few forums for twin mommies and I have to tell you that the majority of us. . .well, we are. Especially those of us who are watching twins and other children at the same time. As shocking as it may seem, we don’t love all the attention that comes with taking the twins out in public. In fact, when moms of multiples see each … Continue reading