Popular Baby Names of the Last 100 Years

The other day, I was reading an article about how certain baby names are outlawed in certain countries. For example, in New Zealand, you can’t name your baby Adolph Hitler due to a law that states any name can be refused that “might cause offense to a reasonable person, is unreasonably long or without adequate justification.” Well, thank goodness for that law. Anyhow, Social Security Online listed the five most popular baby names for boys and girls by year from 1909 until 2008. Um, let me see…my real name is Mary Elizabeth…I wonder where I rank. Well, I can proudly … Continue reading

Baby Name Games & Celebrity Names for Babies

Renee has been doing some great articles on naming your baby: Being Proud of Your Baby’s Name Online Resources for Your Baby’s Name Top Girl Names 2006 Top Boy Names 2006 In that vein, let’s talk about celebrity baby names from Apple to Coco to Piper Maru to Zara. Here are a list of some celebrities and the baby names they chose for their little ones: Gillian Anderson of the X-Files named her daughter Piper Maru Gwyneth Paltrow’s oldest child is named Apple Princess Anne of Great Britain named her son Peter and her daughter Zara Courtney Cox Arquette and … Continue reading

An Intro and An Update

I am so excited to finally be back and writing for Families.com. It has been almost a year since I took a leave of absence in order to work to get my children’s adoptions completed and get them home. I was so grateful to the Families.com management team for understanding and for their offer that I could come back when I was ready. Well, I’m finally ready and boy do I have an adoption story for you! I will start sharing that tomorrow so make sure you check back. In the meantime, let me introduce myself again partly because I … Continue reading

The Sad Legacy of Rap Music

I recently blogged about rapper T.I., currently being held in jail on gun charges. He allegedly sent his bodyguard to purchase machine guns. Machine guns? Seriously, didn’t those go out of style with Prohibition? Who needs a machine gun in this day and age? I do enjoy listening to some rap music, but I also think some is pure trash. Anyhow, I started thinking about all the rappers lost to tragedy when I read today that rapper Big Moe had died at the age of 33 due to a heart attack. While his death was not related to violence, it … Continue reading