How to Ask for a Discount When Buying Twins’ Clothing

All of my children have hit some sort of rare and unprecedented growth spurt this season and we desperately needed to buy clothes. It always seems worse when I’m buying clothes for twins though. In fact, when stores see me, I often get assigned a personal shopper who goes through and helps me pick stuff out and then puts my selections aside. Nope–a personal shopper doesn’t cost extra. They are happy to have your money and they know you’ll spend more if your hands are free and you aren’t frustrated. In fact, that’s another tip for moms with twins–if you … Continue reading

Gift Giving for Twins at Christmas

I realize that most of my readers don’t have twins or multiples. But since I do, I feel compelled every once in awhile to write something specifically geared towards those families! Christmas time, at least for us, has presented a unique set of challenges for the twins. Our girls’ were six months old for their first Christmas–hardly at an age where gift giving really mattered. If people had given the wrapped empty boxes they would’ve been equally happy. In fact, based on my experience with five children, I would venture to say that if your child is younger than about … Continue reading

The Trouble With Twins

If you have any of my blogs in the past, you probably know that I have five kids, and that the last two came as a matching pair two years ago. Now my twins are not identical, (they are in fact fraternal) but they look awfully similar. In fact if they are not standing side by side together, I have to be no further than five or six feet away to tell them apart. Even then, if I am looking at the first twin Emily, I’m not really sure who it is that I’m looking at. If the other twin, … Continue reading

Watching Baby Einstein Does Not an Einstein Make

Every time I make a post like this or share similar information in a forum, someone says, “No, that’s not true.” “We all watched television when we were kids and we turned out just fine.” “If you use television properly, it can be educational.” “I HAVE to have some time to myself and videos are the only way I get it.” “But this is educational?!” “The research is biased. . .” And so the list of excuses go on. At the risk of sounding like an obnoxious broken record, a new study was published today that shows babies ages 8 … Continue reading

Why I Wouldn’t Wish Twins on Anyone

Don’t get me wrong. . .I love my twins. I am definitely one of those people who considers it a double blessing to have twins. In fact, it kind of rubs me the wrong way when I hear someone say, “Uh oh, double trouble.” So it’s not that I’m saying that it’s horrible to have twins. However, it seems to me that there’s this trend towards wanting them. They are the coolest accessory around. I’m constantly running in to people that gush over my good fortune. As reproductive technology advances and becomes more feasible, I hear more and more people … Continue reading

How Twins Form Their Own Identity

If you’re looking for a scientific explanation for how twins form their own identities, I don’t have one for you. This is only my own thoughts as my twins grow up and become more and more distinctive every day. This blog was prompted by the comment of a very sweet but elderly lady who noted that the girls were dressed too much alike. “Sure they look cute. But they’ll never form their own identities that way,” she admonished. Their Own Identity I used to assert with authority that I wanted my twins to form their own identities. It sounds good. … Continue reading

Twins: To Dress Alike or Not

One of the first decisions I made when I found out I was pregnant with twins was that I was never going to dress my girls alike. It was important to me for them to establish their own identities, and I believed dressing them differently would help to begin the process. Than came the baby shower. Every gift I received contained two matching items from blankets and sleepers to hats and dresses. They were all adorable. I caved a little. I thought that I could use the outfits on the babies on separate days, but then thought it would be … Continue reading

10 Things You Didn’t Know About the New Food Blogger

I am not new to but I now get the privilege of blogging for the food blog on a regular basis. If you’ve read my blogs, you probably know a few things about me already: I have twin girls who are almost 20 months old, along with the other three children. . .making a total of 5 kids (under the age of 7)! I live in the inner city. I know way too much about nursing babies and advocate it any chance I get. We are a homeschooling family with a particularly inquisitive son. I have even done a … Continue reading

Twins Having Twins

This website is chock full of information on twins. Juggling twins, schooling twins, feeding twins, riding a bike with twins… unlocking the mystery of behind the twin phenomenon seems to be a hot topic on this site. Yes, I have learned a lot about twins since joining this community, but what I have yet to completely understand is the seemingly odd coincidences that surround the chosen few who live their lives with a sibling who shares the same birthday. This next story illustrates my point: Twin sisters Nicole Cramer and Naomi Sale got pregnant around the same time and were … Continue reading

Help!!! My Twins Are Walking

Those of you who have followed my blogs likely know a few things about me: I homeschool, I am an ardent advocate for breastfeeding, and I have twinfants. Twins are, as I’ve said before, exponentially harder than having one at a time. And in our house, it has just gotten even harder. We have jumped the gap between twinfanthood and now we’re into twoddlerhood! It all started when our cute, cuddly, didn’t-roll-anywhere babies started to get the idea that they could see better if they rolled over. This was fine. . .until they figured out that they could roll off. … Continue reading