Those Early Temper Tantrums

When someone laments about the “terrible twos” or those trying toddler years, they are usually referring to temper tantrums. Somewhere around a year old or 18 months, otherwise sweet and bubbly children can start to throw temper tantrums. Is there anything at all that can be done to minimize those early temper tantrums or at least learn to cope? Young children have tantrums for all sorts of reasons–they are frustrated at not being able to communicate and get what they want, they are tired, sick, trying to figuring out where they stand in the world and how they can make … Continue reading

Tips for Dealing with Temper Tantrums

Tantrums – Screams and crying oh my As a single parent, sometimes the challenges of dealing with babies and toddlers can be stressful, especially when it comes to temper tantrums. Of course, if you have children like mine, the best time for a tantrum is in the middle of the grocery store when your cart is near full. I actually had my son do that one time when he was about four. I told him twice that if he didn’t behave, we would leave. He refused so I asked the manager if he would put my shopping cart in the … Continue reading

Our Evolution of Discipline Part I

My son was born at the height of summer in the dry heat of West Texas. After twenty hours of labor, nine of which were quite active and painful, my first child was born before the first light of the new day. As I held my precious and tiny baby boy in the next few weeks, the thought of how I was going to discipline him crossed my mind. It was hard to believe that my innocent, helpless child would ever need to be disciplined but the day came sooner than I had anticipated. Soon enough our toddling son was … Continue reading

Knock, knock…

Who’s there? Banana. Banana, who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Banana. Banana, who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Banana. Banana, who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Banana. Banana, who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange, who? Orange you glad I didn’t say banana? The toddler has discovered knock-knock jokes. It’s an adorable rite of passage for someone who’s still trying to develop language and cognition skills. She’s been walking around the house for days saying, “Knock, knock”. Nothing usually comes after the knock, knock except a whole lot of giggling from the toddler. She finds herself to be very amusing. Then the knock-knock … Continue reading