Five Months Post Partum

Today marks exactly five months since the birth of my second child. I am amazed at how quickly those five months have gone and how quickly my newborn daughter turned into a laughing, squirming, and very interactive baby. Gone are the days of healing and chilling. Life has returned to normal swiftly and without warning. It is rather difficult at this point in the post partum stage to recognize how my journey has progressed. All the signs of my pregnancy are pretty much gone aside from a few stretch marks and a few extra pounds that still remain. My clothes … Continue reading

Continuing Post Partum Exercise

Now that I am almost five months post partum (it is crazy how quickly time passes), I am realizing that my post partum journey is hardly over. As this stage of my life progresses and evolves, so must my post partum workout routine. It was at this point after my son’s birth that I finally picked up and stuck with a hard core exercise regiment. Gaging my progress, successful or otherwise, has been a particular challenge for me. In a lot of ways I tend to be extremely hard on myself (perhaps this is the source of my motivation). The … Continue reading

Fifteen Weeks Post Partum

At twelve weeks post partum I wrote about being stuck in a rut of sorts. While my muscles were getting toned and my clothes were starting to fit again, I was not losing any weight. I made some changes by watching what I was eating more closely and keeping track of my food intake with my food journal. The biggest change has been cutting back on sweets. What I discovered was that I was going way over my breastfeeding caloric needs. I was eating when I was not hungry because whatever it was that I was eating tasted good e.g. … Continue reading

Tips for Post Partum Exercise

There is a lot to be said about post partum exercise. Whether the motivation is to lose pregnancy weight, get fit after baby, or to simply get back into the routine (all of these are my motivation to exercise post partum), there are a number of things that you can do to make your post partum workouts a success. First and foremost: mental preparation. You need to get it in your head that you are going to start working out as soon as you are physically able be it four weeks post partum or twelve weeks post partum. Based on … Continue reading

Why Exercise During Pregnancy

Our bodies were designed to be exercised. Our muscles are meant to be toned and our hormones depend on aerobic movement to stay in balance. Without exercise our metabolisms slow and our immune systems become weakened. Exercise is important and should play a significant role in our daily lives. The need for exercise does not go away with pregnancy, rather the need is increased. Countless studies have shown the health benefits of exercise for both mother and baby. Exercise relieves and prevents aches and pains that are common during pregnancy, which giving the mother a surge in endorphins giving her … Continue reading

Post Partum Depression: An Overview

Post-Partum Depression is a form of clinical depression that is triggered by the hormone changes associated with the childbirth process. Situational and life stresses can contribute to the risk of PPD. There are a few different “flavors” of PPD that vary from the mild to the very severe. Post Partum Blues: What It Is: Not a true clinical depression, Post Partum Blues is the result of the normal post-partum adjustment to the intense hormone shifts that occur after childbirth. Characteristically, the Blues hit 3-5 days after giving birth and resolve, on their own, within two weeks. Who Gets It: 80% … Continue reading

Temporary and Permanent Changes

I experienced many changes with my first pregnancy. Some of these changes were permanent while others were only temporary. Some of these changes were good while others where entirely unwanted. Change is inevitable and a necessary part of life. I experienced more changes in that 9 month period than I did in my entire life. Temporary Changes: I experienced chronic fatigue and nausea accompanied by frequent vomiting from week 5 through week 15 of my first pregnancy. I also gained weight steadily in my 2nd and 3rd trimesters. With a sustained diet and exercise, I was able to lose most … Continue reading

Meditation as Stress Relief

So, the day has come. Today, I dropped my husband off at the bus station. He is going 800 miles away. I am left with three children, a dog, a cat, a house, and a yard, all alone with my high stress levels and postpartum madness. But I think I’m going to try a couple new things to help me cope with the situation. First, as I mentioned before, will be organization. I’m going to physically write a schedule and post it on the kitchen wall. This schedule will include things like dinner and story time. Play time and clean … Continue reading

Relief Society: Making Time for You

One important thing that we need to do is make time for ourselves. When you are a wife and a mom it is difficult to make sure that your needs are being met. Women are often too hard on themselves. It is easy to become overwhelmed by all that you feel needs to be done. It is important that you meet your needs as well. Here are five tips to help you meet your spiritual, emotional and physical needs. 1) Take time each day to pray and study the scriptures. You need to set aside time for you to nourish … Continue reading