Uses for Plastic Bags

Yes, I shouldn’t even be writing this blog as plastic bags are anti-green. But, sometimes I forget my reusable bags and end up with plastic bags from the store. You can return them to many stores for recycling, but there are also some ways you can been a bit green by reusing the plastic bags. One easy way to reuse the bags is to put your dirty clothes in them. No matter where we travel, we end up with plastic bags and always use them for this. You can also wrap your shoes in plastic bags to keep them from … Continue reading

The Well Stocked Diaper Bag

A well stocked diaper bag can make everyone happy. Never underestimate the power of a well packed diaper bag. It can prevent meltdowns, embarrassment, and stress. All too often we think of diaper bags and automatically limit their use to diapers (or bottles, depending on the baby’s age), but a diaper bag can be so much more. It should be an emergency kit for both mom and baby. Here is a sample list of things you might want to add to your diaper bag. To conserve space, use travel size containers. Snacks for mom & baby. The key phrase here … Continue reading

Getting Road Trip Ready

I just realized today that in just a couple of weeks, my husband, the boys, my parents, and I are going to embark on the biggest adventure that we as a family have ever had. In the past, I have pretty much been a seat of the pants type of girl when it comes to travel. I am not sure if that is such a wise approach to take on a road trip from Vermont to Florida that involves four adults and two kids, so I am beginning to do a little bit of planning. There once was a time … Continue reading

We’re Reunion Ready

With our trip to Connecticut just two days away, I am getting really excited about attending the family reunion for my mother – in – law’s family. I love meeting new people, and there will be plenty of unfamiliar faces there for me to become acquainted with. There will also be people there that I have met, and whose company I enjoy. I am also excited about the fact that there will be plenty of other children there for Dylan to meet. He may not understand the details of how all of the people that we meet are connected, but … Continue reading

Why I Love the Baby Food Aisle at Babies R Us

As a mom of a toddler who has food allergies, I am always on the lookout for snack options. My son is allergic to multiple foods, which rules out most of the popular go-to items that most moms keep in the diaper bag, like Gold Fish crackers or animal crackers. For a long time, I relied on cereals like Cheerios, Rice Chex and Kashi Heart to Heart to act as substitutes for crackers and picked cereals like Trix to replace cookies. Rice, wheat and corn based cereals often do not contain milk, soy, eggs or nuts, which are the foods … Continue reading

One Key to Effective Parenting…Planning

I know in my brain that there is not just ONE magic key to being a fabulous parent. As a matter of fact, most of the time I feel like anything but a fabulous parent—instead, I feel more like I’m bumbling along, flying by the seat of my pants and praying for support. But, I do think that one way to deal with many of the curve balls parenting and family life throw our way is…planning. Planning for the inevitable, planning for everything that might go right and might go wrong, planning for rainy days and sick days and all … Continue reading