Post Partum Jeans

For some reason, subconscious or otherwise, I have an obsession with jeans.This obsession was brought on from having babies. While I have written before about pre pregnancy jeans, I feel that post partum jeans deserve some attention. I think most women can agree that finding a pair of jeans that fit well and make us feel slim is fairly important (to us anyway). Finding the perfect pair of jeans is no easy task. The larger difficulty is finding the perfect pair of jeans after having a baby. After wearing maternity jeans for months, getting into a normal “feel good” pair … Continue reading

The Pre Pregnancy Jeans (Part II)

I lost twenty pounds in the first few weeks after my daughter was born. Of course I still had the ten pounds left from my first pregnancy. At two weeks post partum I was able to fit into a pair of my post first pregnancy pre second pregnancy jeans. Granted these particular jeans were a bit loose pre pregnancy and at two weeks post partum they were a little tight. Nonetheless, I was very happy that I could fit into these pre pregnancy jeans (which was very different from my first pregnancy; I bought jeans that were four sizes larger … Continue reading

The Skinny Jeans

At seven weeks post partum, I was itching for a new pair of jeans. After wearing the same maternity skinny jeans for over six weeks post partum, I was more than ready to put those jeans away with the rest of my maternity clothes. I have been exercising nearly every day for the last three weeks. Even though I am not back into all my pre-pregnancy clothes, all but one pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans fit again, which in my mind justified a new pair of jeans and not just any jeans; a pair of well fitting dark wash skinny … Continue reading

Jeans are on Sale at Express

If you have you been interested in buying fashionable clothing from Express, but hesitant because of the high prices, you are going to love this! Express is having a sale on jeans. It also has a clearance sale going on at the same time. Express is an upscale clothing store that sells the kind of clothing that is designed for teenagers and young adults to wear. They sell jeans, dresses, shirts, jackets, and accessories. It carries clothing for both men and women. Some of the clothing from Express is nice enough to wear in a professional environment. Other clothing items … Continue reading

Surviving the Weeks Between Skinny Jeans and Panel Pants

If it weren’t for the ultrasound you carry with you everywhere you go, your strong aversion to the smell of fish and your constant trips to the bathroom, most people would be oblivious to the fact that you are expecting. You are painfully aware of your condition, however, and so is your wardrobe. There is a period between skinny jeans and panel pants. Your old pants are too tight to be comfortable (or even zip) and maternity pants are always on the brink of falling down to your ankles. In the warmer months, you still have the option of wearing … Continue reading

The Skinny on Frugal Plus Size Fashion

Finding frugal fashions is hard enough when you are a “normal” size. But if you are a size 14 or above, there is a special challenge. Makers of plus size clothing charge more just because they can. Larger clothes are hard to find, so they can be at a premium. Still, there are some options. Being a plus sized lady myself I have made all the rounds and know where to find clothes size 14 to 28 plus at a premium. Walmart actually has cute plus sized clothing. You can shop there for all of your casual and business casual … Continue reading

What Are Dad Jeans?

And why is the president of the United States being accused of sporting them in public? I’ve heard of “mom jeans”–the term is typically used to insult a woman who is wearing denim that accentuates her childbearing hips more than her svelte waist—-but learning that there is a male equivalent to this type of frumpiness came as a shock to me. After all, most jean manufacturers tend to mass-produce the same cut of pants for its male consumers, whereas women typically have six or seven styles to choose from. Apparently, ugly jeans are unisexual… and we have President Barack Obama … Continue reading

Getting My Mind Right: The Skinny On How I’m Doing

I am now officially on weight maintenance and trying to find an eating plan that will work. My weight is staying level, but I am really sort of dieting and sort of eating carefully. I am having funny, but exciting, things happening. The other day, I had my hand on one side of the middle of my abdomen and I noticed something protruding. I found Nancy and said, “Something right here is sticking out”. She asked me if I had one on the other side and, when I did, pointed out that I was feeling my rib cage. This morning … Continue reading

Twelve Months Post Partum: An Exercising Journey Part VII

Since I had been trying on my pre pregnancy jeans quite regularly after my the birth of my daughter only to find them too tight over and over again, it was a very pleasant surprise to find that my jeans were actually too big! However, I have noticed some size discrepancy between jeans I have owned for several years and the new sizes at the boutiques.  I confirmed my suspicion by going to my favorite clothing boutique and trying on the same skinny jean in the next size down: they fit perfectly!  Needless to say, pushing my workout routine into … Continue reading

Twelve Months Post Partum: An Exercising Journey Part VI

After struggling for months trying to lose all (and maybe a smidge more) of the weight I had gained during my two pregnancies, after changing up my exercise routine again and again, and after going back and forth between motivation and frustration, I finally found a workout that could help me reach my ultimate goal: getting back down to the weight I was before having children. Thankfully my (very skinny) sister asked me to do an over the top workout with her that she and her husband were never able to get through.  The workout was beyond insanely difficult.  We … Continue reading