Target Silently Promotes Acceptance of Kids With Special Needs

Have you taken a look at this week’s ad from Target? It includes a child who is modeling a bright orange shirt on page nine. It just so happens that this particular little boy has Down Syndrome. Target included him and didn’t feel the need to specifically announce it. By saying nothing, Target is speaking volumes about accepting kids who have special needs. The beautiful little boy in the Target ad has blond hair, blue eyes, and Down Syndrome. His name is Ryan, and he is modeling a bright orange shirt that has a drawing of a motorcycle on it. … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: What Solids Should I Avoid?

Question: My baby seems to have a sensitive stomach. He seems to react to foods that even I eat. He is 4 months old and I want to start him on solids soon but I’m not sure which solid foods will make him constipated or irritate his stomach. Any advice? I think that as parents we spend most of our time with our babies feeding them. I can think of nothing else that takes up as much time as does feeding. Consequently we also spend the most time worrying and wondering about the how, what, when, etc. of starting solid … Continue reading

Tom and Katie – The Baby Naming Controversy

I am a bit tired of hearing about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. It is not that I do not like them – au contraire. I have always liked Katie (check her out in Pieces of April – a great movie) and I used to be a big Tom Cruise fan. Notice I said, “used to.” It is very hard to get on the Tom Bandwagon now and I do not think I am the only one that feels that way. It seems everywhere we turn now days; there is some type of scandal or controversy concerning Tom and/or Katie. … Continue reading

Parents Magazine Puts First Child with Spina Bifida on Cover

This month, when you are walking past the magazine section in the grocery store, stop and take a look at Parents Magazine. The cover features an adorable little girl named Emily. This cover photo makes history. It is the first time a magazine has put a child with spina bifida on the cover. Emily Kiecher is an adorable three year old. She has been selected as the cover model for Parent Magazine’s February 2013 edition. Emily has blond hair, a happy smile, and a pink, poofy, skirt that only a preschooler can get away with wearing in public. It matches … Continue reading

Christmas Unplugged

Forget about dreaming of a white Christmas this year, most parents I know are hoping for an unplugged version of the holiday; a Christmas void of blaring televisions, raucous radios and vociferous video games. How likely are you to enjoy a genuine silent night this Christmas? If you want to know how to make your dream a reality, take some advice from the Bear family. In The Berenstain Bears’ Old-Fashioned Christmas, Brother, Sister and Baby Honey Bear get a taste of what the holiday was like pre-TV, when they travel to Grizzly Gramps and Gran’s house. After rolling up in … Continue reading

Company that Made Thalidomide Apologizes

A German company called Gruenenthal created a drug called thalidomide. The drug was sold in the 1950’s and 1960’s as a cure for morning sickness. The drug caused severe birth defects in thousands of children. Gruenenthal has now issued an apology. Thalidomide, a drug created by a German company named Gruenenthal, was intended to be used by women who were pregnant as a cure for morning sickness. It was sold in the 1950’s and 1960’s in 46 countries, including the UK, Australia, and what was, at the time, West Germany. In 1961, thalidomide was taken off the market after it … Continue reading

Ugly Babies

(The antithesis of an ugly baby.) Have you ever met a mother who thought her baby was anything but beautiful? Sure, there’s that saying: “A face only a mother could love.” Which basically translates to: “You are one ugly…” But really, what mother is going to admit to others that she birthed an ugly child? Thinking it is one thing, but actually hearing your voice release the words into the universe yields an entirely different type of shame. And isn’t there enough Mommy guilt in the world? Ugly babies are not an anomaly. Neither is discussing them. Remember the Seinfeld … Continue reading

The 84th Academy Awards

The 84th Academy Awards is over and it was record setting. For the first time since 1929 (when Wings won), a silent film, The Artist has taken the Best Picture statue. It was also the first movie filmed in the 4:3 aspect ratio to win Best Picture since 1955. It was the first non R-rated film to get Best Picture since 2004 (when Million Dollar Baby won). Jean Dujardin because the first Frenchman to win a Best Actor award. Was his acceptance speech charming or what? Michel Hazanavicius becomes only the second Frenchman to win Best Director (Roman Polanski, who … Continue reading

Our Fifth Prenatal Visit

Once again three weeks have come and gone and it is time for our fifth prenatal appointment. I do not have any major concerns going into this appointment and I am excited to see how my baby is doing! We arrive at the appointment a few minutes early. While we were waiting my husband took our son outside to run around and I collected my urine sample for the midwife to check once she was done with her other client. As my husband and son came inside the other pregnant mom was finished and leaving. The midwife checked my urine … Continue reading

Boy Writes Book to Raise Money for Seizure Dog

What can you do when your child needs a service dog, but you don’t have the money to pay for one? One boy decided to take matters into his own hands. He wrote a children’s book that his parents self published. The money from this book, and from donations, was more than enough for the boy to get his “seizure dog”. Evan Moss is seven years old. He has been diagnosed as having epilepsy and has seizures that are quiet, and that happen at night. His parents, Lisa and Rob Moss, know that their son’s seizures are silent. They cannot … Continue reading