Reducing Gassiness in Babies

Little babies (and big ones, too) often have a lot of gas in their systems. While many will happily pass gas anywhere at all, much to the embarrassment of a mom or a dad out in public, gas can also cause a lot of discomfort for the baby. Reducing the amount of gas that gets in to your baby’s system or produced by it can really help a fussy baby feel better. Here are some ways to reduce gassiness in your baby. Whether you breastfeed or bottle feed, make sure that the baby is positioned correctly when feeding. This means … Continue reading

How to Stop Night Waking 3

If you are struggling with getting your baby to sleep through the night, you are not alone. Most parents I talk with describe night waking as an issue with their babies. It is a serious challenge to have a contentedly sleeping baby all night long, but once the problem is solved, the benefit helps everyone involved, including your baby. Now here are some more physical reasons why your baby may be waking at night. Hunger In very young babies, this is probably the number one reason for night waking. Little babies have tiny tummies, and then just need to eat … Continue reading

How to Stop Night Waking 2

If you want your baby to sleep through the night, you may want to read this post. There may be many reasons why your baby is waking in the night, and they all have solutions that you can try. If you missed the previous post on this topic, you can click here How to Stop Night Waking. Now let’s talk about some more physical reasons that may not be allowing your baby to sleep through the night. Stuffy Nose When babies are very young, they rely on their nasal passages to breathe. Later, they can breath through their mouths, although … Continue reading

How to Stop Night Waking

Getting your baby to sleep and stay asleep is probably one of the biggest challenges of parenthood. Sure we have all heard the glory stories of babies that sleep through the night the moment they come home from the hospital, but for most of us that just isn’t the case. The first step you might take is to try to eliminate as many of the physical reasons for night waking as possible. This may depend on the age of your baby, since some night waking may be inevitable in tiny babies. Teething Teething pain can wake a baby and keep … Continue reading