Why Breast Pumping Isn’t a Good Substitute for Breastfeeding

I have said before, and I’ll say it again, I really, really admire moms that turn to pumping when breastfeeding doesn’t work for them. I know several women who have pumped to exclusively breastfeed their child for months on end and I have to say, I don’t know how they did it. I have to say too that this really isn’t a blog for moms who turn to pumping out of desperation when breastfeeding isn’t working out for some reason. It’s not a blog for women whose babies are in the NICU and pumping is the only way their little … Continue reading

The Outrage Over the Breast

We’re pro-breast here at the Baby Blog – we’re pro anything that is comfortable and healthy for mom and baby. So if you choose to breastfeed, huzzah, if you choose to express the milk and bottle feed, huzzah and if you chose to rely on formula, huzzah for you. So imagine my surprise this morning as I read a vitriolic letter written to a parenting magazine about having a bare breast on the cover of it with a baby attached to the breast, nursing. It’s a beautiful photograph and the baby was adorable. Yet the reader labeled this photograph as … Continue reading

Choosing a Breastpump

How do you choose a breast pump, especially if you’re a first time mom? To be honest, I went to the store and picked out the cheapest one, grabbed some bottles and some extra nipples and we were done. I’ve learned a few things since then and I can tell you that the cheapest one will work just fine if you pump occasionally to be gone occasionally (once a week or less). However, I’ve since learned a few things and there are some very specific considerations you should think about when choosing a breast pump. Do You Even Need a … Continue reading

Don’t Be a Breast Milk Bully

Have we become breast milk bullies in this country? Before anyone thinks that I am attacking the idea of breastfeeding, make no mistake as to my feelings on the matter that I have shared here in the past. In the meanwhile, I’ve watched the shift towards breast feeding border onto the fanatical. Literature, geared to be informative, is often slanted to favor breast milk over bottled formulas to such as extent that a mother can be left feeling guilty if she contemplates any other method of feeding her baby. The point is, the majority of women do bottle-feed their babies … Continue reading

Long Car Ride Tips for Babies Under 3 Months

I’m still in Iowa and that means that I took an extremely long trip (by car) to get here. How long, you might ask? How does 15.5 hours sound? Long? Short? What if I told you we tried to make it in one day (and did). Hmmm? Interest peaked? I hope so. Granted, we only made it in one day on the way up and haven’t proven similar success yet on the way back. That said, I’d like to give some tips that my wife and I learned during our lengthy journey with our son. Tip one was leaving early. … Continue reading