The Joys of Teething

My little guy’s first tooth is right below the surface. I thought he was teething nearly 2 months ago! So, if you are wondering if your baby is teething, it could be that the answer is yes, but it might take a month or two to actually see results. I can see the gums getting red and swollen. While we are definitely behind in the tooth department, it is not abnormal for my kids. Neither one of my other two had teeth until around 10 months old either. I am ready for him to get some teeth though so we … Continue reading

Solids Not Liquids, Please!

My little guy is driving me crazy when it comes to his eating habits lately. It seems that he has a mind of his own these days, and foods he used to devour he is getting sick of, or bored with, and just doesn’t want anymore of it. With our food allergy issues as it is, it is hard to just give him whatever he wants without going through a trial process. We usually wait to introduce one food at a time, and then give it a week to see if he tolerates it. So, we don’t have the luxury … Continue reading

The Flu Shot for Baby-Is it Necessary?

In our house, we have always been big proponents of the flu shot. We all get them every year. And, it is that time of year again. My husband works in the medical field, and in past years, he has had to be in contact with flu patients regularly. Since our children are young, we have always been cautious. In his current job, he is not in close contact with patients infected with the flu, although he does still work in a hospital. So, I found myself asking him if it was really necessary. I had never really questioned it … Continue reading

Fall Activities with Baby

I’m not very big into Halloween. I don’t usually dress up (although my kids think I should) and I only do what is necessary to make my kids’ halloween dreams come true. The great thing, for someone like me, about having a baby at Halloween is that they are not begging for candy, or going trick or treating, and a costume is just a bonus. Not really necessary. Yet, there are many people unlike me who love Halloween. They dress their babies up in cute costumes, and take them trick or treating to show off the costumes. Maybe to get … Continue reading

Are Two Naps for Baby Cramping Your Style?

While to many people it might seem ideal to have your baby take two naps a day, it can also cramp you style a little bit. And, by style, I don’t mean your actual style, but I mean that it can make outside activities, playdates, errands, and chores a little bit difficult. I have said before that I love schedules. But, when babies take two naps a day, that makes the schedule very tight. You have a couple of hours to run errands or do outside activities in the morning, a couple in the afternoon, and then a few in … Continue reading

Pressure Treatment

The Thundershirt from my last pet blog made me start to wonder about pressure as a treatment for dog anxiety. As I said, I’d never heard of the practice before, so I’m curious as to whether or not it’s a legitimate calming method or something made up by Thundershirt salespeople. After spending a while researching the topic, I’m more inclined to believe the latter. Multiple searches using varied forms of the phrase “pet anxiety pressure treatment” resulted in page after page only talking about the subject specifically in relation to selling the Thundershirt. I’m ready to consider the “pressure as … Continue reading

Rare Dog Breeds: The Lundehund

Sometimes it’s fun to look at specific dog breeds, especially for those considering getting a purebred. It’s always good to know the characteristics of a breed before purchasing that type of dog, so one is aware of any potential health concerns. Those into rare dog breeds should be especially intrigued by the Norwegian Lundehund. It’s the rarest breed of dog in the world. The Lundehund is so rare because of its many unique characteristics. The website for the Norwegian Lundehund Club of America contains many details on this special breed. The Lundehund always sports at least six toes on each … Continue reading

Weird Things That Babies Eat

The other day, some moms and I were talking about what we let our children eat. Now, I’m not talking about pancakes, broccoli, and sushi here – although all of those sound good to me. No, I’m talking about slugs, leaves, and other non-edible objects. One of the parents made the point that with her first, she was super careful. She monitored her child’s every move to ensure that he did not put any non-food items into his mouth. Well, except for the usual toys. Certainly no dirt, for example. With the second she was a lot more lax, since … Continue reading