Cthulhu AllSpark is not a Good Baby Name

How did you decide upon the perfect name for you son or daughter? Many parents choose names that have been handed down in their families from one generation to the next. Others pick names that are popular in the year the baby was born. One couple decided to break with tradition and ask “the internet” to select a name for their baby girl. Poor thing almost got named Cthulhu All-Spark! How did this very unique name get suggested? It didn’t come from either of her parents! Stephen McLaughlin, a software developer, decided to ask the Reddit community to suggest some … Continue reading

Your Strong-Willed Baby

Believe it or not, your baby is learning every day to be a little more independent. He is learning how he can control his environment, and how he can control you. Now, as a newborn, babies haven’t figured that out yet, but as a soon-to-be toddler, they are starting to figure this out. My little guy is almost 11 months old, and he is certainly trying to figure out how to get me to do what he wants. From following me around the house “yelling” at me until I pick him up, to actually flopping down on the floor when … Continue reading

The Crying Baby

My colleague wrote a post called, Helping Others Understand your High Needs Baby, and it brought me back 14 years ago when my fussiest baby ruled my world. The thing is, at the time I thought all babies cried and cried and cried. Even in the hospital as she screamed to the top of her lungs and I stood there perfectly calm the nurse complemented my behavior. I just had my first baby and I expected crying. Having little experience with babies it was all I expected. Until, I slowly began to realize my baby cried more than other babies. … Continue reading

Will a Baby Make You Happy?

If you think a baby will solve your unhappiness, you might be right. But, not for about 18 years. I was watching Oprah earlier this week, and she had an entire show about happiness. The thing that caught my attention was when they talked about whether or not having children will make you happy. The majority of the audience said yes. However, studies have shown that parents are the happiest when their children turn 18. Why does anyone want to have kids then? While this can seem like a depressing thought, it shouldn’t discourage us from having children. Motherhood is … Continue reading

My Toddler is Acting Like a Baby!

Sometimes you just have to set your agenda aside and hold a baby in your lap, or in my case, a toddler. The past couple of days have felt like we have taken two steps back. My son, who has been pretty independent lately, now has seemingly reverted and wants to be treated like a baby again. This morning I wanted to clean the kitchen, but immediately my son started crying with great big giant tears. “Hug! My Baby! Hug!” he cried out. Plan B is to get as much done on the computer as possible, since it appears I’ll … Continue reading

Taking Time Off to Care for a Sick Baby

This morning I had an extra hour and a half to myself. I started to get a little worried because my son tends to wake up every morning at seven like clock work, but this morning he did not wake up until 8:30. Finally, I heard him get out of bed, but no sooner did his feet hit the floor than he had begun to cry a soft, pitiful moan. As soon as I picked him up at his bedroom door, I could feel how warm his little body was. I stripped him down and got him into a warm … Continue reading

Recent Recalls on Baby Items

Approximately 45,000 pacifiers have been recalled due to choking fears. Antonio Flores recalled its Karino pacifiers due to concerns that they didn’t meet federal safety standards. There are several problems with these pacifiers: the mouth guard isn’t large enough, it doesn’t have any ventilation holes, the handle is too long, and the nipple can easily separate from the base. All these problems can lead to the pacifiers being a choking hazard. Although no injuries have been reported, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) wanted these items recalled before there was an incident. The 25 cent pacifiers were made in Mexico … Continue reading

Overdue Intro From A New SP Blogger

Yes, my introduction is long overdue. As one of the new Single Parenting bloggers, I’ve wanted to say hello to Jacky Gamble who’s another SP blogger, and to everyone here at Families.com, but I’ve been so intently focused on writing informative pieces that this kept slipping my mind. Here I am at last. I’ve been a single parent for about 7 years now. After my second divorce I truly felt it was better to go it alone with my five daughters. It seemed apparent that I hadn’t chosen husbands wisely, so it was high time for me to get out … Continue reading

Getting Them Ready for Independent Living

I strongly believe that all children (all people really), whether they are male or female, need to be prepared for living independently. Even if we hope our children will partner or marry and we LOVE to do housework, take care of them, and take care of all of the domestic duties, we are short-changing our children if we do not guide them and teach them those every day living skills and get them ready to live independently. Doing a few chores a week until they graduate from high school is probably not enough for an independent future. Children do need … Continue reading

Brangelina Adding to Their Brood… and Other Celebrity Baby Bumps

Baby lovers Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt let a curve-hugging black dress confirm that they are adding to their growing brood. The dress—-worn by Jolie Saturday night to the Film Independent’s Spirit Awards—-hugged what sources close to the A-list couple are calling a “definite baby bump.” For months entertainment publications have been buzzing with Brangelina baby news, despite the fact that the parents of four children refuse to comment about adding to their family. The pair has yet to officially make a statement about Jolie’s pregnancy, but that hasn’t stopped several news organizations from announcing that the actress is due … Continue reading