How to Get Your Kids to Talk With You


Are you tired of getting one word answers from your kids? Are you wondering how to get your kid to finally open up and talk with you? The solution might be one that Kenneth Barish, Ph.D., wrote about for Huffington Post. Give his ideas a try, and see what happens! Frustrated parents should take a minute to read over what Kenneth Barish, Ph.D., wrote in an article titled: “Why Won’t She Talk to Us? How to Have Better Conversations With Your Children”. In it, he explains some of the reasons why kids become uncommunicative with their parents. In short, there … Continue reading

How to Talk to Your Kids about the Economic Crisis

“How can I talk to my kids about the economic crisis?” It is a common question that most parents face today. As prices on consumable goods rise, from food and gas to the cable bill, and families feel themselves pinched, even the youngest children are starting to notice that things around them are changing. Neighbors and friends may be moving away, favorite stores and restaurants may be closing, and everyone seems to have to sacrifice something they enjoy just to get through this time. Parents should see this time in our history as a teaching moment, but the lessons should … Continue reading

Koshik the Talking Elephant

Could our next best friend be an elephant?  Maybe not for most of us here stateside, where we’re not exactly equipped to properly look after pachyderms.  But the news out of a zoo in South Korea, reported by BBC News, shows that an elephant has entered the next stage of the human-animal bond: talking. Before now, the only animals we could conceive of really being able to replicate our speech were parrots.  Now elephants are joining the list.  Koshik is a 12-year-old Asian elephant that lives at a zoo in South Korea.  When he started making sounds that his keepers thought … Continue reading

Talk to Your Kids About Voting

It’s the week of the big election. In just a few days we will find out who will lead our country for the next four years. The fate of our country is in our hands. Have you talked to your children about the importance of exercising your right to vote? For most of us it will be many years before our children are old enough to vote, but if you start talking to them about it now, they may begin to realize the importance of it. I have been amazed at the things children are hearing about the election right … Continue reading

Talking To Toddlers About Major Storms

It seems as though it has been weeks since reports about Hurricane Sandy first started to appear all over the news and all other forms of media. In reality, it has only been about a week since coverage of the storm and its anticipated path started. If you are a parent of young children, you may certainly be concerned about keeping your family safe. However, you are probably equally concerned with keeping the kids calm. When everybody is preparing for a storm like Sandy, things look and feel different wherever you go. Little ones can see and feel the differences … Continue reading

Having “The Talk”

Are you uncomfortable talking to your teenager about sex? There can be a variety of reasons that parents feel unease. Uncovering what is causing your discomfort can make “the talk” easier. One of the things that can be difficult is talking to a child of the opposite sex. It is usually best if moms talk to their daughters and fathers to their sons. But if that isn’t possible, for whatever reason, don’t let that stop you from discussing the topic. I knew that I had to be the one to have “the talk” with my oldest son. My husband had … Continue reading

Building a Platform through a Website or Blog

In my last couple of blogs I have been talking about building a platform as a writer. It is the first step toward marketing anything you wish to sell. It is also what can bring in more readers and subscribers. In today’s blog we are going to be looking at how you build a platform through a website or blog. Social media is one of the best ways to do this but next in line is your personal blog or website. Ideally, you should purchase your own domain name. You will have to first check and see if someone already … Continue reading

The Ultimate Social Studies Field Trip: Talk With Your Elected Officials!

Recently, my daughter and I embarked upon the ultimate social studies field trip. It wasn’t supposed to be one. In fact, since she’s often bored at meetings, I try to limit her exposure to them somewhat. After all, I am involved in many community organizations and go to a lot of meetings! We’re in Canada, where we have city, provincial, and federal elected officials. That morning, I was on my way to talk with our provincial official about several health and environmental issues. This particular person is quite approachable, and I’ve spoken with her several times. It was funny, though. … Continue reading

Listen To Me, I Know What I’m Talking About

I have a confession, I’ve become a bit of a control freak. Ask anyone about the bad parts of single parenting and they will rattle off the list, finances, dealing with your ex, no down time, never getting a break, doing everything alone, and on and on. This is a list we all know too well but recently I discovered there is a side effect of single parenting that no one told me about- becoming a little controlling. I was wondering why I was always right and other people were doing everything wrong, now I know! I’ve become very set … Continue reading

Special Needs Blog Week in Review – May 6 – 12, 2012

Once a week, the Special Needs Blog Week in Review gives you a quick summary of all of the blogs that appeared here in the past seven days. It is an easy way to find the blogs that you might have wanted to read, but, didn’t end up having time for when they first appeared. What did you miss this week? The Special Needs Podcast Roundup went up on May 7, 2012. This week, I’d like to point out an episode of “Hold the Gluten”. The episode is called “Celiac Awareness Month”. One host shares her experience of being on … Continue reading