Ask a Baby Blogger: What Solids Should I Avoid?

Question: My baby seems to have a sensitive stomach. He seems to react to foods that even I eat. He is 4 months old and I want to start him on solids soon but I’m not sure which solid foods will make him constipated or irritate his stomach. Any advice? I think that as parents we spend most of our time with our babies feeding them. I can think of nothing else that takes up as much time as does feeding. Consequently we also spend the most time worrying and wondering about the how, what, when, etc. of starting solid … Continue reading

5 Cultural Myths About Starting Solids

Believe it or not, much of what we do as parents, is culturally dictated. If we lived in another part of the world, we may not use diapers or cribs. We may walk around with our babies strapped to our backs or even breastfeed not only our own children, but our neighbor’s as well. So it is also with starting solid foods. When the twins were ready to start solids, it pained me to feed them jarred food. It’s different when you’re feeding one baby (or at least it was for me) but with two, I just watched the money … Continue reading