Joy…The Secret Ingredient

Like many of you, I have discovered the joys of Flylady, the site devoted us to learning to love our homes and beautify our surroundings one baby-step at a time. The site, I think, was designed for the domestically challenged, like me. I started the program, had a colicky baby (thank G-d a sweet one, though) and found it difficult to follow any kind of structure for a few good months. Now, I am back baby-stepping my way through cooking and cleaning routines. One thing flylady recommends is to plan meals in advance. Well, I did do this in a … Continue reading

Is Swaddling Overrated?

Parents of colicky babies everywhere are encouraged to shush, swish and swaddle. The three S’s are the only thing that seem to bring some babies comfort and relief. I however, was not blessed with any of those babies. While all of my children were content in their slings and mei tais, not a single one was interested in becoming a cute little human burrito. I thought I was doing it wrong, but even the nurses who were supposed experts couldn’t get my babies to like having their body parts all mushed up close to their bodies. What can I say? … Continue reading

Fussy Baby? Work On Your Marriage

A new study, done by researchers at Ohio State University has found that couples who have especially difficult babies, can rely on their strong marital bonds to help them rise to the challenge. For couples who do not have strong bonds, the baby remained fussier for longer. The study entailed a few phases. 97 different couples had to undergo a two hour home study assessment. Researchers watched the couple in conversation noting various behaviors such as how often they smiled at one another and how often they showed irritation. Based on their analysis they rated the couples’ bond. (I have … Continue reading