Preventing the Potty Mouth

Preschoolers think everything is hysterical, especially when it comes to getting a laugh out of an older kid. Hence, your preschooler may start using what I like to call a potty mouth. This can be anything from calling someone a butt-head to using words that would make a sailor blush. If your child has a potty mouth, what can you do to get rid of it? Or, how can you prevent the potty mouth from developing in the first place. Here are some suggestions. First of all, watch what you say. Believe it or not, preschooler pick up most of … Continue reading

Early Day Care Will Not Reduce Illness Later

One of the reasons many parents say that they put their children into daycare or early preschool is so the kids will be exposed to more germs and therefore get their illnesses over with before they reach school age, when absence from school may have more of an impact. I knew a mom once who firmly believed in the idea of exposing her kids early to illnesses. In fact, she ran a day care, and if a child came in sick, she would make sure that her children were playing with that child and sharing toys, in order to increase … Continue reading

Favorite Parenting Line

Do you ever find yourself saying something that is just too close to what might have come out of your own parent’s mouth? I know, we have all been there, right? For me, it is “Just because I said so!” I find myself uttering this line far too many times lately in response to the whys whenever I ask my children to complete a task or accept something that they deem is unfair. I’ve tried the endless explanations, but they don’t always get me anywhere. Recently, I started applying a different strategy that I learned from my oldest son. Now … Continue reading