Preventing Meltdowns…For Both of You

I don’t know about you, but when my son starts throwing a tantrum, I know it won’t be long before a mommy meltdown. Being a parent is overwhelming, and doing it without someone there by your side, to share in your grief is just plain hard. There are times when I have just sat down on the floor and cried right along with him because I just didn’t know what else to do. Usually after we’ve both cried it out we can give each other a hug and move on with our day, but trust me, it can be exhausting. … Continue reading

Taming Tantrums Part 1

Does your child start screaming the second you mention you’re going to the doctor’s? The dentist? The very moment you are on the phone? For my son it was daycare. I dreaded telling him when it was time to go. The tears started pouring and I literally had to drag him out to the car kicking and screaming. It was unbelievably draining and I wasn’t sure what to do. I had talked to every one I could think of and nobody seemed to know what to do about it. It’s taken a month and a half, but we are finally … Continue reading

Your Young Toddler and Temper Tantrums

Oh the joys of raising a young toddler who has recently discovered her desire for independence. She answers every question with a firm, “no.” She purposely gets into things she knows she should not get into (and occasionally you may even hear her telling herself “no” before she does it). She gets mad at her toys, at you, and at nothing. She expresses her anger by flailing herself to the floor, sometimes hurting herself in the process, and often causing a scene. She’ll try to bite, scratch, kick and hit, which is bewildering to the mother who wonders where she … Continue reading

Preventing Tantrums

Every mother’s worst nightmare is having a cart full of groceries and all of a sudden her toddler throws the worst tantrum in the history of temper tantrums. Of course, when you feel like everyone is staring at you, every tantrum is the worst isn’t it? Usually there is nothing you can do short of taking your child out of the situation, away from irritated bystanders, who are an audience for your toddler. There is no magic way to stop tantrums, but what you can do is try to prevent them. It’s always easier to prevent a tantrum than to … Continue reading

A Whopping 25% of Children on Diets in America!

Research on the subject of children dieting was found on an unlikely source, a coupon code site. Apparently, a trend had been noticed and, polled Americans to get their input on Halloween candy. To their surprise they found that 19% of parents did not allow their children to go “trick or treating” due to the amount of candy they would consume. The poll also revealed that 26% of children under the age of 12 were on diets. Now you may ask just how many people responded to this poll on this coupon site. That is a valid question and … Continue reading