Potty Progress

If there is one thing that parents of toddlers should know about potty training, it is that each child will follow his or her own unique path to potty independence. There are many ways to approach potty training, and each method works well for some children. The question of when to begin potty training is as big of a decision as the method that you will use. At my house, we are employing a laid back, no pressure approach to using the potty. We bought Dylan a potty when he was about two years old. He was curious about it, … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part XIII

Potty training continued into week four with great success. Sometimes our son would announce that he had to go pee or poop and sometimes he would just go by himself (very exciting). He continued to request gum for his rewards which I soon realized was a little too much since it is not entirely consumable. He would end up with a mouthful of gum that would become an obstacle to eating meals. Either way using the potty was not our son’s problem at this point. Our newest potty training development had to do with his clothes. He started telling us … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part V

I was determined that our son be potty trained sooner rather than later. During the course of our potty training efforts he had in fact used the potty to pee every so often and we even got him to poop on the toilet once, but our efforts were met with inconsistency. I knew that our son was perfectly aware of when he had to go to the bathroom. He did have some interest in using the toilet on and off for the past six months. During that time I offered him a reward, a piece of organic chocolate (I tried … Continue reading

Adventures in Potty Training: Day 1: Evening

How do you manage potty training when someone else has to take over? This is a bit of the dilemma we faced going into the evening on Day 1. I am happy to report that our little one made it through his nap completely dry. I put training underwear on him for his nap (thick cotton underwear, not pull up diapers). Because I didn’t want to risk the couch where he normally naps, I set up a tent in the living room and placed a thick blanket inside the tent. Fortunately the blanket wasn’t needed. Things went well for the … Continue reading

Why I Hate Pull-Ups

When potty training, many parents transition from diapers straight to pull-ups (or easy-ups, no matter the brand of disposable training pants. I’m brand neutral.) believing that this is a natural way to start potty training. Well I hate the things. Here is why, in no particular order. 1. Pull-Ups are expensive Have you ever done the unit cost of a pull-up? Depending on the brand, you may be spending 50 or more per each piece. Ones with characters, wet feelings or magic pictures may cost even more. By the time that you are done potty training, you can spend a … Continue reading

The Baby Blog Week in Review: Sept 6 to Sept 16

As many of you have noticed, I’ve been an absentee blogger this past week. My husband started work which means a complete change in schedule for our family that takes some adjusting to. In any case, we had a light week in the baby blog but you can look forward to many more blogs this coming week. If your dying for me to cover something specifically, feel free to leave a comment below or PM me your question and I’ll cover it here! September 6 The Psychology of the Pull Up I have never been a big fan of pull … Continue reading

Potty Training Using Pull Ups

Yesterday I wrote an article about how pull ups have played a role in our potty training. I actually hate pull ups. I still do and I would really encourage anyone not to buy them but rather let the babe run free and naked. It does mean more messes to clean up but it also means faster (and cheaper) potty training. However, as you all should know by now, I have twins and the nakedness thing sometimes doesn’t work when you’re wiping up two puddles (or other things. . .) all the time. I also have become acutely aware that … Continue reading

The Psychology of the Pull Up

I actually have to take back something I’ve said. Something I’ve advocated strongly in the past. . .I must now rescind. And what, might you ask have I advocated that I now have to take back? The Pull Up–but let me explain further. No doubt, when it comes to potty training, many of us experienced moms have tales of what would and would not work. Among the top of the list of things that doesn’t work is The Pull Up. “The Pull Up is a waste of money. . .” “It doesn’t really help them learn the feel of being … Continue reading

Six Steps to Potty Train Your Special Needs Child

More than eight years ago, my family was at a San Diego Padres game, and my son had soiled his diaper. I took him by the hand and we walked up the stairs of the stadium toward the closest restroom. Inside, I lifted his heavy body onto the courtesy changing table. His feet dangled off the edge. “Isn’t your kid a bit old?” Women entering the bathroom eyed me with a bit of scorn. They seemed to say, “Isn’t your kid a bit old for diapers?” Especially since there is no characteristic “look” that distinguishes an autistic child, Kyle appeared … Continue reading

I’m A Big Kid Now

Potty training. Are there any other words that can make a parent want to throw up their hands in surrender? Some kids are so easy to potty train, they practically come out of the womb wearing Barbie panties, others, we wonder if they are going to school in pull ups. As a single mother diapers are an extra expense, and the sooner you can get rid of them, the easier it is on your wallet. However, being a single mother makes potty training more difficult. Usually your child spends time with people other than just you, and not everyone is … Continue reading