Alicia Silverstone Wrote a Controversial Parenting Book

Babies (and children) do not come with an instruction manual. Sometimes, parents wish their children did come with one that would provide inspiration and the answers that parents need. This is likely why so many parents seek out books on parenting. As such, there are plenty of them to choose from. Alicia Silverstone (the actress from the movie “Clueless”) has written a parenting book that many people consider to be controversial. The book is titled “The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful, Beginning”. It was published on … Continue reading

Learning the Alphabet Part II

Learning should be fun and self propelled.  I had witness my son easily find interest in learning abouts of things that he came in contact with.   I had yet to determine definitively whether or not I should take a more active and forceful role in my son learning the alphabet. By the time my son had turned two his interests had grown exponentially but he still seemed to lack an interest in learning the alphabet. I did not push.  We were getting ready to welcome our second child and I was focused on getting things prepared for her birth.  I … Continue reading

A Busy Guy

My son is a busy guy. His day begins when ever he wakes up (like most kids) usually around eight in the morning. Sometimes he will climb into our bed with some toys and play which always involves playing with his baby sister. Rousing us (the parents) at eight in the morning is sometimes difficult given how late we end up going to bed, but he does a fairly good job by climbing on us and typically putting his feet, knees, elbows, or hands in our faces. Now that he is potty trained, he will need to use the potty … Continue reading

Potty Time? Not Right Now

One of the big experiences that parents of toddlers encounter is potty training. This evening, I realized that Dylan really has not started potty training at all. He wants to wear training pants, but he does not want to stop playing outside or whatever else he is doing to let me know that he has to use the potty. He does not even tell me when he needs to be changed. It is probably a good thing that he has not started potty training, though, because I have not yet educated myself about how to do it. I want to … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part XII

After our grocery store adventures and visiting grandma and grandpa diaper free, we successfully reached another milestone of potty training. Our son continued to use the potty with relative ease for the rest of the week (he still required assistance wiping after a poop). He only had two accidents during the course of the whole week and woke up most mornings with a dry diaper (another hurdle to be conquered in the near future). We seemed to be well on our way to long term potty training success. Week three of potty train started out quite well. He was using … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part XI

I am sure that all the neighbors heard him yell that he needed to pee but I was happy that he was telling me without hesitation and in plenty of time to get to the bathroom. Up until this particular moment, he had only used his little potty to go to the bathroom. This was a tiny turning point; instead of using his training potty he had to use the big potty at grandma and grandpa’s. He used the big potty with relative ease. Then I realized that I did not have any chocolate rewards for him, but grandma had … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part X

My mid morning and late evening premonitions were haunted by visions of our son peeing in his pants in the middle of the industrial linoleum floors of our local grocery store. I did not even want to imagine how I would deal with such an event. So to save myself from what was ensured to be a mortifying experience, I continued to put our son in diapers when we went out of the house. Needless to say our son had his very own thoughts on the matter of wearing diapers in public. By the second week of potty training he … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part IX

We had a very successful first week in which I did not change one poopy diaper or clean up more than three accidents! I was very pleased with our son’s potty training success. However, I was not one hundred percent sure that using the potty was an established habit for our son. As week two of potty training began I had my fingers crossed that we would not take any steps backwards in our potty training progress. Our son still seemed really into using the potty and he found his chocolate rewards very motivating. Sometimes he would go potty and … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part VIII

He was surprisingly upset that he peed in his underwear. I reassured him that it was okay and that sometimes accidents happen when we do not stop what we are doing, or watching in my son’s case, to use the potty. I got him into some dry underwear but he was still a little sad. We shared some milk and cookies and some hugs. He continued to use the bathroom for the rest of the day. The following day, we continued potty training. As soon as he awoke, he used the potty and we put him in underwear. It was … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part VII

Our first day of hard core potty training was a success. I switched him into a diaper for the night. As we went to sleep that night all I could think about was whether or not our potty training success was a fluke or for real. The next morning he awoke with a wet diaper but it was not soaked like it normally was. I put him in underwear right away after he emptied his bladder. Once again I employed the pantless strategy to help him be more aware of when he had to go potty and it was also … Continue reading