Potty Training Our Son Part XIII

Potty training continued into week four with great success. Sometimes our son would announce that he had to go pee or poop and sometimes he would just go by himself (very exciting). He continued to request gum for his rewards which I soon realized was a little too much since it is not entirely consumable. He would end up with a mouthful of gum that would become an obstacle to eating meals. Either way using the potty was not our son’s problem at this point. Our newest potty training development had to do with his clothes. He started telling us … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part XII

After our grocery store adventures and visiting grandma and grandpa diaper free, we successfully reached another milestone of potty training. Our son continued to use the potty with relative ease for the rest of the week (he still required assistance wiping after a poop). He only had two accidents during the course of the whole week and woke up most mornings with a dry diaper (another hurdle to be conquered in the near future). We seemed to be well on our way to long term potty training success. Week three of potty train started out quite well. He was using … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part IX

We had a very successful first week in which I did not change one poopy diaper or clean up more than three accidents! I was very pleased with our son’s potty training success. However, I was not one hundred percent sure that using the potty was an established habit for our son. As week two of potty training began I had my fingers crossed that we would not take any steps backwards in our potty training progress. Our son still seemed really into using the potty and he found his chocolate rewards very motivating. Sometimes he would go potty and … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part VIII

He was surprisingly upset that he peed in his underwear. I reassured him that it was okay and that sometimes accidents happen when we do not stop what we are doing, or watching in my son’s case, to use the potty. I got him into some dry underwear but he was still a little sad. We shared some milk and cookies and some hugs. He continued to use the bathroom for the rest of the day. The following day, we continued potty training. As soon as he awoke, he used the potty and we put him in underwear. It was … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part IV

We continued putting our son in diapers for several more weeks. During this time he also found the potty book and started asking us to read it to him again. After reading the potty book to him for what seemed like the millionth time, I started to ask him again when he thought he would like to go pee and poop in the potty like Joshua. We tried again and spent the next few days at home so that our son would have easy access to the bathroom. Unfortunately, the only results that came of our latest attempts potty training … Continue reading

Potty Training Our Son Part III

As I was peeling his wet underwear and pants off of him, I told him to tell me when he had to pee and I would help him go on the toilet. I put a clean pair of underwear and pants on him and he went back to playing. Less than fifteen minutes later he looks up at me while he was playing with his drums. His face was part disbelief and part sadness, he did not like the feeling of his peeing in his underwear clad pants. Once again I took his urine soaked underwear and pants off and … Continue reading