Are Two Naps for Baby Cramping Your Style?

While to many people it might seem ideal to have your baby take two naps a day, it can also cramp you style a little bit. And, by style, I don’t mean your actual style, but I mean that it can make outside activities, playdates, errands, and chores a little bit difficult. I have said before that I love schedules. But, when babies take two naps a day, that makes the schedule very tight. You have a couple of hours to run errands or do outside activities in the morning, a couple in the afternoon, and then a few in … Continue reading

Easy Tasty Healthy Toddler Snacks

Sometimes it can be hard to get toddlers to eat anything, let alone things that are good for their growing minds and bodies. They are busy little people who often prefer to remain engrossed in whatever activity they happen to be engrossed in at the time instead of sitting down and clearing a plate of whatever nutritious meal you have just lovingly prepared for them. Fortunately, hunger does eventually overcome the excitement of play and your little one is likely to rush to your side and demand to be fed. Right. Now. With a little advance planning, you can make … Continue reading

The Future is the Present Before You Know It

I went to the park with my toddler and my baby today, and had a great time. The weather was beautiful and we met some friends there. Usually, my little man loves to be outside, and sit in his stroller and watch the other kids run around. Today, I got a little glimpse into future park play dates. Recently, my baby has gotten to be quite squirmy. He wants to be on the move even though he can’t even crawl yet! He is rolling over though, and I’ve decided really needs his space. He kept fussing in the stroller for … Continue reading

Another Playdate

As the weather has gotten more and more summer like, our son has been wanting to spend more and more time out of doors. The only problem is that we live on a fairly busy street with practically no yard. So in order to give our son a good amount of safe outdoor time and a someone his own age to play with, I planned a playdate with some of our friends. For our playdate we were heading to a turn of the century era farm and town set up to be as realistic and functional as possible in the … Continue reading

A Play Date

Every once in a while, a few times a month, I try to schedule a time for my son (and daughter) to get together with other children their age. Most often our play dates are with their cousins (brother and sister) the boy is ten months older than my son and the girl is four weeks older than my daughter (who is only three months old). Every few months I plan a play date with one of my long time friends, who has three boys. Recently, I was able to plan a play date with a mom that I met … Continue reading

More Family Friendly Ways To Save

Yesterday I shared a few ideas for saving money on things that the youngest members of your family need. Today, I have more suggestions for things that parents can do to help lower some of the costs associated with raising children. Since parenting styles vary so greatly, not all of these tips will appeal to all families. Hopefully within this collection of tips there is something for everyone. One of my favorite things to do is to look for things that I can do during the day with my son that do not cost anything. I am a stay at … Continue reading

Preparing Your Toddler For The New Addition

For her entire life, you toddler has had you all to herself. Depending on her age, she may or may not understand your pregnancy and what it means for your family’s future. Once the new baby is born, however, there’s no question her life is going to change. She may love it and become mommy’s little helper, but what if she has a hard time adjusting? How can you help your toddler adjust to being a big sister or a big brother and help encourage a strong bond between the two new siblings? It starts during your pregnancy, of course. … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Caring for Small Children

Pregnancy is quite the journey for the first-timer, but it can be downright rocky when there’s a toddler running around, or a whole brood for that matter. First time pregnant moms have the freedom to nap when they are tired, rest when they are ill, sit when they are sore, and eat when they are hungry. Pregnant moms with a toddler running around their feet face the challenge of running the house on “empty,” cooking when they are sick to their stomach, chasing kids despite aches and pains, and eating on the go when there is no time to sit … Continue reading

Can’t wait until Monday!

I can’t believe it. The day has finally come. Ever since Lily was three days old, she has had a feeding tube. During one doctor’s visit, we were told not to be surprised if she needed it until she was two or three. He added that some kids have feeding tubes until they are five or six. “But they all grow out of them eventually,” he reassured us after noticing what I’m sure were looks of dismay on our faces. Over time, my wife and I grew to accept Lily’s feeding tube as a part of who she was… kind … Continue reading

When Another Child Hits

Playdates can be a fun activity for both babies and their parents. Introducing your child to his peers is a great way to jump start the socialization process. Plus, having other adults to talk to during the day can help keep parents connected. But one issue that eventually seems to come up for every parent who play dates is what to do if another child hits, bites or otherwise abuses your child. How do you balance the protective instinct with the aversion to discipline another parent’s child? So what do you do if your little guys friend starts hitting? The … Continue reading