New Product: Kajeet, Cellphones for Kids

Seems like cellphone users are getting younger every day. Tyler has been bugging me for the past six months to get him one. I remind him that at 6-years-old he does not need a phone because anyone he needs to call he can call on my cellphone or the house phone. I know many parents are purchasing cellphones as a way to keep track of their kids and with plans dropping in price not to mention pay-as-you-go phones, pretty soon everyone’s going to have a phone. You’ll probably see toddlers on the playground, cellphone in hand, as they cascade down … Continue reading

Outgoing Family Answering Machine Messages

Do you record everyone’s name on your answering machine’s outgoing message? I don’t, but I know of families who do. It never occurred to me how kind of silly this was until reading a rant in the current issue of, Cookie. In the short piece, the writer pleads with families not to include everyone on the outgoing message. It was partly tongue-in-cheek but it also made a lot of sense. I suppose the families who do it think it’s cute but it’s really kind of silly to include young kids on the message, who as the author points out, “don’t … Continue reading

Toddler Tips: Taming the Savage Beast

We talked about tempering toddler tantrums earlier and while you will learn very quickly what works with your little one, here are a few other tips for taming some of the behavior your toddler may exhibit. It’s important to remember, even when you are verging on ripping your own hair out, that toddlers do not necessarily know right from wrong. That’s what we are teaching them. So with that in mind, here are some toddler tips for taming them and teaching them at the same time: Scribbles – Your toddler loves to draw, on paper, on furniture, on their toys, … Continue reading

Tempering Toddler Tantrums

When your baby becomes a toddler, it’s really a very exciting period for both of you. You will discover that your baby is much more interesting as a personality in their own right. But you have to take the good with the bad. Your toddler maybe developing their very own personality and becoming more intrigued with the world around them every day, but at the same time – they are more likely to have meltdowns where screaming hissy fits are made to look tame. It’s important to recognize the triggers of a toddler tantrum and to preempt them if you … Continue reading

My Toddler Ignores Me

There is nothing more frustrating for a parent than to say something they know their baby understands, but that their baby just seems to blithely ignore. From the: don’t touch that to the bring that to mommy to the play nicely to the stop doing that – when your toddler isn’t listening to you, you may wonder what you are doing wrong. Before you start banging your head against a brick wall in frustration, keep the following in mind: Actions speak louder than words to your toddler, if you want them to stop doing something, remove them from the activity … Continue reading

Pay Attention to Me: Toddlers & Telephones

One of the great mysteries of life is why is it your perfectly content toddler wants your attention the minute you pick up a telephone whether you are dialing someone or they are calling you. When my daughter was a baby and toddler, I always said she had a sixth sense about when mommy was either preoccupied or arriving home. For example, if I went to class or had to run errands, my husband said she would sleep soundly from the moment I left until the moment I returned. I didn’t even have to come into the house, she would … Continue reading