Is ADHD Becoming More Common in Older Kids?

A report released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in July 2008 took a look at attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. ADHD is characterized by impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and an inability to focus or concentrate. In children, ADHD usually appears by the age of seven. The problem is often noticed in school, leading to diagnosis before the age of twelve. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimate that more than four million children in the United States have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. According to the CDC report that surveyed nearly forty thousand households: The rate … Continue reading

Adults with ADHD in the Workplace

A new study from the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) lose more than three weeks per year in workplace productivity. Researchers from the World Health Organization surveyed nearly two hundred thousand people in thirty countries around the world. They also performed diagnostic assessments on more than seven thousand employed adults in Belgium, Columbia, France, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. According to the data from the World Health Organization, between three and four percent of all adults worldwide suffer from ADHD. However, many adults may not realize … Continue reading

Children With ADHD May Benefit From Outside Play

Most days I try to make sure Tyler has at least 30 minutes to play outside. Like most five-year-old boys he desperately needs this time so that he can run and jump, ride his bike or just explore the backyard. I have noticed that when he’s not able to go outside and play he’s much more hyper. Just last week it rained almost every day and he was literally bouncing off the walls. Apparently I am on the right track, according to a report published in the September 2004, issue of The Journal of Public Health. Although the research was … Continue reading

Pay Attention to Me: Toddlers & Telephones

One of the great mysteries of life is why is it your perfectly content toddler wants your attention the minute you pick up a telephone whether you are dialing someone or they are calling you. When my daughter was a baby and toddler, I always said she had a sixth sense about when mommy was either preoccupied or arriving home. For example, if I went to class or had to run errands, my husband said she would sleep soundly from the moment I left until the moment I returned. I didn’t even have to come into the house, she would … Continue reading

Parental Concern: Does my Toddler have ADD?

With so much published information out there on attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it’s understandable that parents will have concerns when nothing seems to hold their toddler’s interest for more than a few moments. In fact, when their toddler never seems to sit still and goes from toy to toy, activity to activity without seeming to slow down – concerns may grow and when your helpful co-worker or friend suggests that your toddler is ADD or ADHD – you may panic. It’s Okay It’s very normal for typical toddlers to have short attention spans. In … Continue reading

The Well Child Plan

A recent article in USA Today discussed revisiting the Well Child plan. For those not familiar with the well child plan, these are the visits pediatricians plan to meet with infants and toddlers in order to assess that their development is on track. They do this by weighing, measuring and discussing how the infant and toddler is doing in a variety of areas is a way for pediatricians to catch everything from speech delays to mental development issues long before they become a problem. The issue that pediatricians are revisiting is the fact that Well Child visits are supposed to … Continue reading