
When my sister told me that she and her husband were having a girl, I was happy and excited for them but a little bit jealous at the same time. I had just found out that I was pregnant with my second child when she told me (I was fifteen weeks behind my sister). I was really hoping and wishing that my husband and I were also having a girl. While every fiber of my being wanted to have a girl, I tried not to get too set on the idea because we had just as much chance of having … Continue reading

The Seventh and Eighth Weeks Post Partum

Seven weeks out from my daughter’s birth, I seemed to have hit a bit of a rut. While I am still feeling great, my sweets intake has increased due to recent celebrations and my motivation to exercise seems to be dwindling a little bit too. My diet started veered off course when I put together a party for my daughter’s baptism. I made the famous red velvet cupcakes. They were both tasty and calorie heavy especially with the cream cheese frosting. After that I made my thanksgiving pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread, using the sweet pumpkins I had processed and … Continue reading

The Sixth Week Post Partum

Reaching the sixth week post partum milestone is kind of monumental. Once this stage is reached, it seems that a new chapter of life begins. Transitions are numerous during this week and I found myself almost amazed of how many things changed during my sixth week post partum. At six weeks post partum I transitioned back into many of my pre-pregnancy clothes marking the beginning of a much anticipated physical change as my body really starts to work its way back to “normal.” Although the journey has just begun (my body still has a long way to go), I am … Continue reading

Our Daughter’s Baptism Part IV

With my family dressed for the joyous occasion that was our baby girl’s baptism, we led the caravan (of extended family) to the church. We sat were we like to sit with two small children; in the back! Mass began and we did what we always do; help our son understand what is going on throughout the course of the mass (he enjoys singing and extending the sign of peace). After mass, all of the extended family gathered in the back of the church and when our parish priest was ready we all headed up to the baptismal font near … Continue reading

Our Daughter’s Baptism Part II

Preparations continued the next day for the celebration of our daughter’s upcoming baptism in the evening. I woke earlier than normal in anticipation for all that needed to take place. I wanted to start the day on a positive note and for me that meant with a quick breakfast, a gruelling workout, and a much needed shower. Once these three things were successfully completed, I was able to move on to the real preparations of the day. The first task was to make the dessert, which for me is the most important element of any celebration! I had decided to … Continue reading

Anniversary Celebrations in Adoptive Families

My last blog talked about rituals and celebrations for adoptive families. Of course, adoptive families celebrate the normal family occasions such as birthdays. While these absolutely should be celebrated, sometimes an adoptive child may also feel sadness on their birthday, as they realize that it is the anniversary not only of their birth, but of that their birthparents decided not to parent them. (I have written a blog that talks about helping a child deal with mixed feelings surrounding birthdays.) Many adoptive parents also celebrate “Gotcha Day” on the anniversary of the day they received the child. Some parents try … Continue reading

Your Family Storybook

I’ve written before about lifebooks, books about foster or adoptive children which show the continuity of their history from birth, through each residence and caregiver until they arrive at their permanent home. Family storybooks are another tool for bonding in adoptive families. This term is used in two slightly different ways. One type of family storybook is a book which is designed to give children an overview of their new home and family. In some cases it may also serve as an overview presented to the state foster care workers or committee reviewing the family’s application. (Some couples looking to … Continue reading

My Sister

My sister and I have always been really close. She is a mere eighteen months younger than me. We have done many things together as children, through high school, and through college. Both of were married right after our graduation from college and both of our husbands pursued graduate degrees that took us to different states putting us more than one thousand miles apart for the first time in our lives. Life continued as it does but we were only able to see each other once or twice a year. During our time apart, after I had my first baby, … Continue reading

The Skinny Jeans

At seven weeks post partum, I was itching for a new pair of jeans. After wearing the same maternity skinny jeans for over six weeks post partum, I was more than ready to put those jeans away with the rest of my maternity clothes. I have been exercising nearly every day for the last three weeks. Even though I am not back into all my pre-pregnancy clothes, all but one pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans fit again, which in my mind justified a new pair of jeans and not just any jeans; a pair of well fitting dark wash skinny … Continue reading

Visiting Teaching Message: “All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God”

Our Visiting Teaching Message for the month of July is entitled, “All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God.” We are reminded that in the Book of Moses, we were taught that God created all men in His image, and that He created them to be male and female. President Gordon B. Hinckley taught that our bodies are sacred, and they are wonderful creations, God’s masterpiece. No camera can compete with the eye, and no pump has ever been designed that could replace a heart. Every part of our body is a testament to God’s genius. From President … Continue reading