Milk Problems

I breastfeed. I’ve breastfed all three of my children and I love it. Not only is it the best food for baby, but it gives me downtime with my little ones that is strictly between them and me. No one can substitute for me, no one can take my place. It’s a bonding experience that I couldn’t imagine not having with my babies. But about four weeks ago, I had a really nasty cold. I took some anti-histamines. The next day I found out that it really wasn’t a cold, it was the flu. A flu that was accompanied by … Continue reading

Breastfeeding is a Personal Choice

As a mother who has nursed three babies and edits an attachment parenting site, I am a big supporter of breastfeeding. But one thing I’ve noticed is that some people are crazy about it. There are a lot of breastfeeding moms and supporters out there that get kind of nasty to moms that don’t breastfeed. My personal experience was when my oldest quit nursing at seven months old. She just quit. No notice, no warning. Just one day she woke up and wanted nothing to do with my breast. Come to find out I was pregnant, but she didn’t care, … Continue reading

My Baby: A Bottomless Pit

These days, I’m convinced my 1-year-old has some extra storage space in her stomach she’s hiding from me. She’s not a big kid. She was huge at 6 months of age, then completely thinned out. In fact, I’m pretty sure her weight has stayed the same from 6 months until now. You’d think that a little peanut like her would have the appetite of a bird. No siree. That girl can pack food in like nobody’s business. A month ago, we’d eat breakfast together, and she’d consume a small amount of my daily bowl of oatmeal. Now, I have to … Continue reading

Home Run Challenge

Baseball season is here again and that can only mean one thing…okay two things, home runs and Denny’s restaurant! Denny’s and ESPN are in cahoots with each other on this fun food contest. Denny’s is giving away 1500 gift cards that celebrate their value menu that offers food items ranging from $2 to $8. For more details on how this contest works you can find the information on the ESPN website. Are you hungry? Buttermilk pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, chicken wraps, cheese fries, omelettes, soups, salads, pepper chicken, barbecue chicken, hamburgers and steak are just some of the items available … Continue reading

Oatmeal Pancakes: A Simple Way To Increase Milk Supply

I’ve written before about how eating oatmeal can boost a breastfeeding mother’s milk supply. Because I plan to breastfeed for a long time and want to keep my milk supply up, I’m always on the lookout for recipes that include oatmeal. The other morning, I was really jonesin’ for some pancakes. As I searched around on the internet for a pancake recipe, I was delighted to find that many recipes included oatmeal. After comparing several recipes and tweaking them to fit personal taste (and the ingredients I happened to have on hand), this is the recipe I came up with: … Continue reading

Oatmeal: A Simple Way To Increase Milk Supply

At a recent meeting with a group of young, breastfeeding mothers, I learned that oatmeal is supposed to boost milk supply. While it is not scientifically proven, many mothers report an increase in milk production after eating oatmeal, or products containing oatmeal. I’ve never had a problem with too little milk; in fact, the only “problem” I’ve had is too much milk. I’ve always counted myself lucky that supply was never an issue, because I have a strong desire to breastfeed well past my daughter’s first birthday. Although I’ve never had a problem with too little milk, I want to … Continue reading

What’s The Fuss About Carbs?

Carbohydrates are a macronutrient. The three macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Carbohydrates supply our bodies with their main source of fuel: glucose (also known as blood sugar). Yes, we run on sugar but before you head to the cupboard to down a sack of sugar, read on. Our bodies create glucose by breaking down the carbohydrates we eat throughout the day. Our bodies can also create glucose from proteins and fat but it is much more difficult to do and requires a great deal more energy in the form of calories. (It is easy for the body to make … Continue reading