The Best of the 2007 Baby Blog

It has been an exciting year in the baby blog with a few changes in bloggers, several news stories, a few series started, and of course lots of information and reflection. This is a list of the best of the best. . .the best news, the best advice and the best of my personal favorites. With that I wish you all a Happy New Year, and look forward to an exciting year in 2008! Ask a Baby Blogger Series–This, in my opinion is one of the best things the baby blog has to offer. Granted, it’s my advice which I … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: July 23 to July 30

We had a busy week in the baby blog this past week. From sleeping to baby research to the newest baby products, we covered it here. Here is the breakdown of what we covered: July 26 Babies Aren’t Supposed to Sleep So often I find that new parents are reading this book or that method to try and ‘train’ their infant to sleep better. However, the more I parent, the more I really believe that your baby’s sleep patterns are a big part of his temperament rather than something you did or didn’t do. Baby Bling? Seriously? I was shocked … Continue reading

NICU Womb Rooms

Premature births are on the rise. It used to be that 32 weeks was considered the age of viability. With each one of my pregnancies the age of viability was earlier and earlier. That’s saying something considering that starting in 1998 I was pregnant every other year until the twins birth in 2005. Doctors now say that the age of viability is as early as 24 weeks because of advances in technology and improvement of care. Instead of focusing on how to keep the baby alive, doctors are now focusing on how to help the baby’s development in the future. … Continue reading

Will You Walk for Babies?

The March of Dimes has recently revamped itself and is now the March for Babies–but the founding principle is the same. Marchers get sponsors to donate money to help for research to improve the quality of life of disabled and premature babies. Most marches are taking place April 27 and now is the time to sign up. Will you march? Prematurity In the United States, prematurity affects approximately 10% of families. I had never contemplated it much until I got pregnant with twins. At 24 weeks, we were told to prepare for birth in as early as 7 weeks. That … Continue reading