What is Cradle Cap?

Cradle cap is an annoyance and I know from whence I speak because for several months, my daughter experienced a really retched case of cradle cap. Also know as seborrheic dermatitis, cradle cap is a common condition in young infants. So what is cradle cap? It’s when greasy scales appear on the surface of your baby’s scalp. You can generally get rid of it with a mild massaging wash when you wash your baby’s hair and the scales will loosen up and fall off. If the case of cradle cap is severe, you may want to use petroleum jelly or … Continue reading

Dressing Your Baby – It’s Not a Fashion Statement

I know I may offend some moms when I say the following, but I have never understood those parents who feel like they have to dress their baby up for everything. Little baby girls in dresses can have trouble crawling and are very unlikely to stay neat and proper the way they are dressed. Your baby also doesn’t need a shoe for every occasion. In fact, in my baby’s first several months of existence – she thrived quite well in onesies, footie sleepers and t-shirts. I didn’t buy her a pair of shoes until she was over a year old. … Continue reading