Climbing Part II

Now that my daughter has started climbing, we have had some pretty interesting climbing situations. For the most part, her climbing is safe and provokes little cause for alarm. That changed when she started climbing the stairs. It began with her pulling herself up on the first step and calling after me when I would go up to do some chore. She did not attempt to climb the stairs at this point. Once she got the courage to climb the first two steps (and sit contently for several minutes while playing with something), she quickly gained the courage to go … Continue reading

More Mobile Baby Part II

With my daughter’s increased crawling abilities, also came several other mobile developments. First came the easy transition from crawling to sitting. She would crawl across the room to retrieve a toy and then sit back to play with it. Then something new would catch her attention and she would be off again to get the next thing. She very quickly learned to manipulate her body to get access to a number of things that would catch her eye. Soon she was sitting, kneeling, crawling, and sometimes even walk crawling (on her hands and feet) especially when she was on a … Continue reading

More Mobile Baby Part I

It has been more than a few weeks since my daughter’s sudden catapult into the mobile stage of babydom. By now she has more than mastered her crawling skills. What began as rocking propelled crawling and unsure balance, has evolved into frequent crawling marathons! She can and will crawl wherever, whenever she gets the notion. Before she had developed her crawling skills, she would roll and scooch her little self all over the house; even though it took her several minutes to get from one location to another. All that has changed! With her increased mobility, she is crawling directly … Continue reading

When Baby Sleeps Through the Night for the First Time

All of my kids have been so different when it comes to sleep. My first sucked her thumb, and therefore started sleeping through the night around 4 months old. My second didn’t sleep through the night until about 18 months old due to his tummy issues. Last night, my little man slept for 9 hours straight. This was the first time this had happened. I was thrilled and jumping for joy! (Actually, I was sleeping). Am I hoping that this trend continues? Absolutely. Am I counting on it? No. I’ve written before about sleeping through the night and how I … Continue reading

A Swim Lesson for Baby

I have never been a good swimmer. I never took lessons as a child, and so I have never really felt comfortable in the water. So, recently, I started swim lessons for my older two kids. When signing them up, they asked us if we wanted to try out the parent-tot class for free for our baby. Of course, everyone loves something for free, so we signed him up! When we got there, I was a little nervous, but stood on the sidelines watching as my husband took him into the heated pool. He loved the water and hardly made … Continue reading

Learning By Example Part II

The more time my daughter spends with her older (three months and four weeks) female cousins, the more she learns by following their example. My daughter seemed to have very little interest in sitting up on her own to play until she had a playdate with her four week older cousin. The two girls sat together interacting with one another for a good twenty minutes before going down unto their tummies. Following her cousin’s example, my daughter began to manipulate the toys differently than she had before our playdate. Within two short days she has mastered the ability to sit … Continue reading

Mobile Baby Part II

My daughter seemed to transition from immobile to mobile baby overnight! She struggled for several weeks to master rolling over from her tummy to her back. Then without notice she not only mastered the skill to roll over from her tummy to her back, she also became a pro at rolling from her back to her tummy. With her sudden mobility came an impressive ability to grasp toys with both hands. She started with small toys and soon was able to handle larger toys like dolls and stuffed animals. With her new found mobile freedom, she loves to spend lots … Continue reading

Our Evolution of Discipline Part II

We continued disciplining him with time outs on the spot and he began to learn what he could and could not do. He had good days where he was put into time out only once or twice the entire day and bad days where he seemed to be in time out all day long. Still his behavior was improving and he seemed to understand that certain actions would merit a time out which he did not like. As he got a little older how we disciplined evolved a little bit. He went from having his time outs sitting where he … Continue reading

Spending Time With My Sister Part V

On the fourth day of our visit, we had early morning plans. I made breakfast while my sister nursed the baby and my son asked to hold the baby repeatedly. After a breakfast of an egg omelet and an orange, we got the kids ready for our early morning outing. First, stop of the morning was my sister’s chiropractic adjustment. The baby was also getting an adjustment. While, they were at their appointment, my son and I went to the convenient store across the street to buy more diapers for my son. We then returned to the chiropractor’s office just … Continue reading

Nine Months Old

Now that my daughter is nine months old, I am surprised and almost shocked at how much she has grown, changed, and learned in just nine short months! Upon further contemplation, it took only nine short months to grow my dear sweet daughter from microscopic cells to a viable baby. As my daughter rounded the nine month mark, she had mastered many mobile skills including speed crawling and stairs climbing. With her ever improving mobile skills, she is into anything and everything. She squeezes under things (like the kitchen cart/island and the bookshelves) and climbs into things (like boxes and … Continue reading