More Signs that Crying is Serious

Babies cry; they cry a lot. This is natural, as it is the main way that they can communicate to let you know that they need something from you: food, a diaper change, comfort. Some times, crying can be indicative of a more serious problem, one that requires medical attention. Here are some more signs that your baby’s cry is serious. And check out yesterday’s post: Is Your Baby’s Cry Serious? How to Tell. When your poor baby is screaming at the top of his lungs, please check for a nasal discharge. If your baby has a thick, yellow discharge … Continue reading

Colic May Lead to Future Disease

Researchers are studying colic in babies, the one gastrointestinal condition that can stump even the experts. They have some interesting news about it, including identification of a bacterium that may be causing the condition, as well as a link between colic in babies and the later development of gastrointestinal disease into adulthood. Colic is characterized by inconsolable crying in an otherwise healthy baby. It has long been thought that some form of gastrointestinal discomfort is to blame. Colic can be dangerous not directly but because it can lead to frustration in parents, post partum depression and even harm to the … Continue reading

Preparing a Young Child for the Hospital

Whether it is tubes in the ear for frequent ear infections or something more serious, having a young child stay in the hospital, especially when it involves surgery, can be a nerve-filled experience for both you and your child. Parents Magazine recently published an article all about preparing children when they have to go to the hospital. There is some good advice here, especially as it relates to babies and the youngest children. I’ve adapted some of the advice given as a result of my own experiences with children and hospitals. Inform yourself I always became less anxious whenever I … Continue reading