Ask a Baby Blogger: Will It Be Easier to Pump the Second Time Around?

Question: With baby #2 do most women who weren’t able to pump much the first time around have better luck with the 2nd one? This question actually comes from the forums, and I promised I’d answer. I wish that I could shout a resounding yes on this, but honestly I can’t. Success in pumping has everything to do with how the relationship is managed but it also has to do with other factors that mom simply cannot control. Why Pumps Are Ineffective So why is it exactly that you can breastfeed a fat, chunky baby–yet only produce a few ounces … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: You Said Not to Pump. . .But They Said to Pump

Question: Hi. I’ve read most of your blogs on breastfeeding and first, thank you so much. We’ve had a rough start and my baby was in the NICU for a few weeks so I had to pump. But when she came home, I stopped pumping because I had read somewhere that you said pumping does not increase your supply. However, the nurses in the hospital said I need to keep pumping to keep up my supply because the baby won’t suck effectively. What’s your advice? First of all, you’re welcome and I’m glad you’re breastfeeding your baby. You’re right. I … Continue reading

Is Pumping the Right Answer?

There’s a new trend in breastfeeding and I’m not so sure I love it. But I don’t hate it either because after all, it does accomplish the same goal essentially. What is this new trend you might ask? Exclusive pumping. Exclusive pumping, at least in the United States, is becoming more and more popular. There are a variety of reasons for this and really I’m somewhat speculating. I realize that women pump when their babies are in the hospital or they pump when they’re having latch issues. I get that some women need to go back to work, etc., etc. … Continue reading

One Breast Gives More Milk than the Other: Is This Normal?

Is it normal to have one breast produce more milk than the other? How can you tell? And, does this output of milk ever change? Here are some answers. First, let me assure you that as long as you have established a good nursing relationship with your baby, you will produce as much milk as your baby needs. Your baby won’t suddenly starve if you have been producing milk and nursing successfully. Second, you should know that yes, it is perfectly normal for one breast to produce more milk than the other breast. Why does this happen? Well, I personally … Continue reading

Dental Horror Story: The Happily Ever After Part

Well, in the last week or so I’ve shared with you the trials and tribulations of my summer. I’ve told you about the bad and the ugly where the wisdom teeth were concerned, now let’s flashback to just three weeks ago. I’d done all of my daughter’s back-to-school shopping over the weekend. They’d scheduled my surgery so that by the time we got to meet the teacher on Friday, I would be able to talk some and on her first day of school some of the swelling should be down. I got up early that morning, it was a Tuesday, … Continue reading

The More Things Change; The More They Stay the Same

Good morning and Merry Christmas. I wanted to take a few minutes to talk to you about fitness and exercise, but without all the breast beating of why aren’t you getting more of it and what you need to do to get fit. Instead, I want to talk to you about the fact that while much of our world stays the same, the world of fitness is ever changing. The World of Exercise In the world of exercise, things change all the time. There are always new developments in classes, research, equipment, videos, gadgets, web sites and more. Just a … Continue reading