Most Commented On Baby Blogs of 2007

As a means of reviewing the year, I always love to look at the blogs that had the most comments! Sometimes controversial blogs get noticed. Other times it has more to do with a topic of interest. Sometimes a commenter sparks a discussion. Regardless of the reason, these are the blogs that got the most comments in the baby blog in 2007! Is My Baby Gifted? How to Tell Merry Poison Free Christmas Dad’s Weird Things You Should Be Giving Your Baby Soda!! Why Breast Pumping Isn’t a Good Substitute for Breastfeeding Is Swaddling Overrated? Watching T.V. While Breastfeeding Unwanted … Continue reading

Is My Baby Gifted? How to Tell

I have been reading with great interest in the forums stories of moms everywhere whose children seem advanced. I have watched with great interest those parents on the Upper East Side who vie for that one coveted spot in the highly selective preschools. My husband and I are often bemused by the parents who sign their kids up for his “advanced” sports class because, after all, their child is really advanced. I hate to break it to all those moms out there whose toddlers are doing things earlier than other children–but your child is probably not gifted. She may do … Continue reading

Spring Babies Less Intelligent?

I am reading the current headlines in the baby world with much interest as all of my children were born in the spring. From March to June our family is full of birthdays. Apparently, there is a marked difference in IQ between those born in let’s say. . .January vs. those babies born in the spring. At first, I thought this had to be some kind of half done research project that merely suggested the possibility of less intelligent spring babies. . .but not so. The recently published study, done by Indiana University School of Medicine, studied 1.5 million babies. … Continue reading

What Do You Want Your Baby To Be

Are you a pushy mom or dad? Do you play Baby Einstein for you little one along with Baby Mozart and more – encouraging their mental and creative development? Do you sit there and wonder whether they will be a prima ballerina or a rocket scientist? Will your child be the one who helps design the ship that gets us to Mars in a couple of weeks or discovers the perfect crop to end world hunger? Is My Baby Gifted or Bright? This is a very natural question and we as mothers and fathers ask this question more often than … Continue reading

The Inner Workings of Your Baby’s Mind Part III: Social Intellect

If you’ve been following, you now know that babies are not a blank slate but rather give indication of complex emotional feelings as early as 10 weeks. Jealousy, empathy are just some of the range of emotions that researchers have been studying. The hope is that by detecting anomalies earlier, pediatricians can recommend intervention earlier if needed. If this all seems a bit “unscientific” well, it’s not. Researchers have been studying for decades babies responses to stimuli and have been able to identify several predictable baby behaviors. So what’s next? Surprise, surprise, your baby is a social animal! Well, okay, … Continue reading

Celebrity Swag Weekend

If things were correct in this world, the people that can’t afford a lot would be the ones getting award show swag. After all, can’t most celebrities afford all this stuff anyhow? But, as it turns out on this Academy Awards weekend, the celebrities are making out like bandits. I guess it is only far because only a select few will take Oscar home this weekend. All the others get to take home the swag. What’s up for grabs this year? For the stars that stay at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, quite a few goodies. Lisa Gal … Continue reading

Developmental Milestones and When You Should Worry

Although we have a very extensive collection of articles already in the baby blog regarding infant development from newborns to 24 months, I still find that parents need reassurance regarding their child’s development. So what should you do when your child misses a milestone marker? Trust Your Instincts I have said it before, and I’ll keep saying it over and over and over again. Moms–we are born with good maternal instincts. Use them. If something seems off to you, go get it checked out. True, it’s probably nothing. If junior isn’t talking, he probably has a quite personality or if … Continue reading

Toddler Discipline: Never Let Them See You Sweat

In case you’re new to the baby blog, I have been working on a series of blogs about toddler discipline. After reading this one, you might want to check out others. I welcome problems and questions in the comments section if you have specific behaviors that you’d like me to address. I could’ve entitled this blog never let them see you scream or yell or get frustrated. I see so many parents yelling at their little children. My favorite is one mother who was speaking to her, what I would guess to be about 20 month old son: “You better … Continue reading

It Hardly Seems Fair

My wife works very hard. We have five children all under the age of 8, and we have chosen to homeschool them. (We can’t afford private school, and the public schools in our neighborhood are on the scary side of abysmal.)She is on call from before sun-up to late at night, because our children are a hearty mixture of early risers and night owls. During the course of a day she is a wet nurse, chef, diplomat, teacher, chauffer, maid servant, coach, and personal assistant; and this is all before the kids’ mid-morning snack. She works very hard all day, … Continue reading

Katie and Super Sweet Suri

Regardless of what you may think about her famous (or in her father’s case—infamous) parents, you have to admit 1-year-old Suri Cruise is one heck of a cute kid. And she may soon have another adorable younger sibling to share the media spotlight with. According to TV’s “Entertainment Tonight,” Katie Holmes says she is ready to have more children. In an interview scheduled to air Monday, the 28-year-old actress says she is “definitely” ready to have more kids. Apparently, being the mother of Tom Cruise’s baby daughter has been so much fun that she can’t wait to get pregnant again. … Continue reading